Assassins use gait and other nonverbal signals to search for their potential victims, and serial killer Ted Bundy bragged in an interview prior to his execution that he could tell the victim based on how she walked down the road, the tilt of her head, etc.

In her report, published by learning-mind, Jane Davis said that experts have researched different types of walking since the 19th century, and it turns out that your gait can reflect a large number of clues about your personality.

Is it possible to reveal your personality just by looking at your gait?

Learn about the 16 gait and the personality traits it reveals:

1. Long, slow steps

Taking long and confident steps indicates firmness and control, especially in women, and this gait indicates a woman enjoying a healthy life, because the long step indicates the flexibility of the pelvis and spine, and the movement of the arm in sync with the legs is associated with the dominant personality.

2. Small and light steps

Small steps associated with slight movements of the arm when walking indicate the submissive person, and if these gestures are not synchronized, this indicates a lack of confidence.

A brisk walk means a person is approachable as it indicates a high level of openness and awareness (Shutterstock)

3. Walk brisk

A brisk walk may mean a person is approachable, as it indicates a high level of openness and awareness, along with reduced levels of neuroticism.

4. Slow walking

No wonder that a slow gait indicates a hesitant attitude towards life, while a reliant and lowered walk indicates an introverted character.

5. Simultaneous walking

Psychopaths monitor types of walking, so they can deduce whether a person is weak or not. Simultaneous walking suggests confidence and assertiveness, so they look to find those who walk asynchronously.

6. Cup the feet

Foot pronation is a natural movement when walking, and ballet dancers often have bent feet, because they try to achieve a graceful posture of the leg and foot, but this is not an innate way to walk, it requires effort, so it suggests high self-confidence and narcissistic features.

7. Swagging

Extroverted people tend to take long steps with exaggerated arm swinging and hip bobbing. This type of person likes to be the center of attention, and men usually use this gait to show self-confidence.

People who walk spontaneously have confidence in themselves (Shutterstock)

8. Walk spontaneously

Relaxed, confident people usually walk without a clear direction, as slowing down shows a high level of confidence.

9. Walking in rapid, intermittent batches

You might think that a person walking in rapid nudges is in a hurry to reach his destination quickly, but research shows that this gait is associated with precision attention to detail, as owners use intermittent nudges to focus their attention.

10. Dragging feet

According to experts, traction of the feet when walking indicates that a person is very anxious and stressed, and has difficulty in dealing with problems, and traction of the foot in a bent position is associated with Parkinson's disease, known as "Parkinson's gait."

11. Tilt left

This gait is another indicator of anxiety, and it may be related to how the left and right parts of the brain work, as the right side of the brain has to work more when we are anxious about something.

12. Walk on tiptoe

Tiptoe walking is normal when young children start walking, but it is a sign of many diseases if it continues into adulthood, including cerebral palsy and even autism.

Walking on tiptoe indicates many diseases after puberty (Shutterstock)

13. Walking with curved shoulders

This type of walking is linked to anxiety, especially for someone who has recently experienced trauma, as bending over is a sign that they are trying to protect themselves from more pain.

14. Clumping

The author linked between heaviness and depression, as walking in slow and heavy steps with a lowered head symbolizes the feeling of carrying the burden of the world on your shoulders, however, experts reported that walking faster with a head raised may help relieve symptoms of depression.

15. Beating hard with the feet

Hitting feet hard can reveal irritability and the person's childish behaviors, and children often hit their feet when undergoing a tantrum.

16. Walk quietly

Those who have adopted this gait are people who feel calm and at ease in their lives, they are easy to deal with, tend to get along with everyone and do not cause problems.