The white snus that is often flavored has attracted younger and younger target groups to start using snus.

- White snus contains nicotine which is addictive.

If you start with white snus, you become addicted, says Joanna Stjernschantz Forsberg, who is a specialist at the Center for Epidemiology and Community Medicine.

A Non Smoking Generation Critical To Marketing

- The tobacco industry has been diligent in using young influencers and this means that young people are influenced to try white snus.

You follow your idols on social media who advertise these products, says Helen Stjerna who is general secretary of A Non Smoking Generation.

- At the launch of white snus, ads were used via social media, but we do not think it turned out well.

We in the industry have agreed on how we will relate to the communication of these products in the future and target adults, says Johan Wredberg who is communications manager at Swedish Match with a focus on tobacco products and continues:

In the video, the doctor talks about the risks of white snus.