Eva-Karin Stenberg is a medically responsible nurse (MAS) in Halmstad municipality and she says that they follow the routines that Smittskydd in Halland has followed.

- It is either a visor or a mouth guard according to the routines.

But you prefer a visor because then you see the whole face, she says.

Richard Klingsborg is one of the patients in Halmstad who, due to the pandemic, takes help from home health care to take blood samples.

He would have felt safer if the staff had used both visors and mouth guards - and has now not wanted to let the nurses in for two weeks.

But according to Eva-Karin Stenberg, individual adjustments will not be made to a patient who expresses concern.

In the clip above, you will hear how people in Halmstad municipality reason about not responding to patients' concerns about protection.