The government's support for companies that short-term leave is estimated at SEK 43 billion this year.

But when journalists - or others - want to know which companies receive the money, the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth has said no, with reference to business secrecy.

Last week, SVT Nyheter was able to reveal that more than 2,000 companies risk being demanded to repay the support, as they have made share dividends.

But we do not know which companies it is.

Even when confidentiality has been appealed to court, the answer has been no.

Now the government wants to change that.

Suggests exceptions

The government proposes an exemption from secrecy, which according to the Ministry of Finance will take effect on the first of July 2021.

- Now the government is changing the legislation so it will be open for everyone to review, says Magdalena Andersson.

The Minister of Finance believes that the change can be implemented without revealing too many trade secrets

- Companies send in a lot of supporting material.

It will not be public, but it is the actual decisions about who receives support, and how large the support amounts are that will be public, she tells SVT.

The fact that secrecy will be lifted next year means that older decisions on redundancy support will also be published.