After the tribute to Samuel Paty, this professor beheaded on Friday by an Islamist terrorist, the deputies were torn Tuesday in the National Assembly.

Right and far right consider the actions of the government insufficient and booed Prime Minister Jean Castex.

A minute of silence followed by the Marseillaise.

On the eve of the national tribute at La Sorbonne in memory of Samuel Paty, this teacher beheaded on Friday for showing caricatures of Muhammad to his students, deputies on Tuesday greeted the memory of the History-Geography teacher. 

The United National Representation, standing and resolute to fight the claimed enemies of democracy, reason and the Enlightenment.

Homage to Samuel Paty, cowardly murdered because he developed the critical spirit of our children.




- Richard Ferrand (@RichardFerrand) October 20, 2020

But the solemn atmosphere did not last in the hemicycle.

From the opening of the session, the majority and the opposition tore themselves apart with very muscular exchanges.

Right and far right consider insufficient the actions of the government against radical Islamism and booed Prime Minister Jean Castex. 

"The Republic of 'no wave' is the Republic which abdicates"

Enough resignation and culpable surrender!

The Republic of 'no wave' is the Republic which abdicates and which in the end (sic) lets the Islamists pass, "tackled the leader of deputies LR Damien Abad." They have passed, and for three years, your majority refused any proposal against radical Islamism. "

"Let us never forget [...]. Not to forget is above all not to forget to act: the Republic of 'no waves' is the Republic which, in the end, lets the Islamists pass" affirms @damienabad (LR).

He asks the Gvt to "move from words to deeds".

# DirectAN # / d5PJ773L51

- National Assembly (@AssembleeNat) October 20, 2020

"We are in the action", retorts Castex

While the LR deputies slammed their desks in protest, the Prime Minister replied with hoots: "Really, any opportunity is seized in this period of crisis to fuel the controversy. You are in the incantation, we are in the action". 

Jean-Luc Mélenchon says he is "alongside" the Prime Minister

In an electric atmosphere, some group presidents, however, said they did not want to play the game of the division, like the leader of rebellious France Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

"We, Mr. Prime Minister, we say to your side to tell the enemies of the Republican homeland 'you do not scare us'".

"Political Islamism and terrorism had the same objective: to create fear and by the same to begin to impose its law" assures @JLMelenchon (FI).

"It is civil peace that is at stake, each of us is a bulwark against hatred" he affirms.

# DirectAN # / LhNPDgnuoG

- National Assembly (@AssembleeNat) October 20, 2020

"Political Islamism and terrorism had the same objective, to create fear and by the same to begin to impose its law," he assures us.

Before insisting: "it is civil peace that is at stake, each of us is a bulwark against hatred".