As soon as the fever byeongsik, which introduced the new ICBM, is over, there is something that North Korea is doing all its best these days.

It is the so-called 80-day battle, unique to North Korea, in order to extract maximum results in a relatively short period of time.

Chosunjungang TV is sending out these screens every day, asking for an all-out war.

[Ham Joo-hyuk/Pyongyang Construction Material Factory Vice-President: I am not going to sit down and give up just because the conditions are difficult...


[Kim Gyeong-il/Samseok Construction Material Plant Cement Plant Buwon: In order to successfully fulfill the 80-day battle production goal we set high, we must achieve more than twice the efficiency a day than


.] The

best performance by the end of the year before the 8th party conference in January next year Is to squeeze.

Speed ​​warfare is actually a regular slogan that appears during important occasions such as the North Korean Party Congress.

Four years ago, when the 7th Party Congress was ahead, the slogan for the battle on the 70th came out, and

[Chosun Central TV: The 70-day battle of Chungjeong, which will be engraved in gold letters in the history of the Uri Party, is on the rise...


After that, the 200-day battle was shouted with the aim of creating Dawning Street.

['200 Days Battle' runs at the speed of Manlima, showing the heroic spirit and tradition of Juche Joseon...

.] As

North Korea uses the method of mobilizing efforts, the traces of expressions appear in the media.

Recently, expressions like Pyongyang's time, where you can assemble a house in 14 minutes, attracted attention.

There are many evaluations that if the people's workforce is squeezed out by cramming, even if there are short-term results, in the long run, resource distribution problems will rather poison the economy.