The “baton” of educational evaluation has turned in an all-round way, and experts answer the questions you care about

Editor's note

Educational evaluation is related to the direction of education development. What kind of evaluation baton has the kind of school-running orientation.

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council recently issued the "Overall Plan for Deepening Educational Evaluation Reform in the New Era", emphasizing reversing the unscientific education evaluation orientation, and resolutely overcoming the stubborn diseases of only scores, only advancement, only diplomas, only papers, and only hats.

Don't judge heroes by scores, what are the criteria for "good students"?

No longer use the admission rate to give the school "burden", how does the school evaluate it?

How to judge the academic level of teachers after "breaking the five wei"?

How to normalize the supervision of teachers' morality and style?

What "qualitative" changes will follow the reform of the high school entrance examination?

How should labor education be integrated into the entire education process?

…When the evaluation “baton” turns in an all-round way, parents, teachers, principals, and students are all confused.

In response to the public’s hotly discussed and concerned questions, this newspaper invites authoritative experts in the education field to provide answers in order to clarify a scientific and professional development path for schools, teachers and students.

Q&A Guests

  Members of the National Education Advisory Committee

Zhong Binglin

  Beijing Normal University professor

Zhang Zhiyong

  CPC Shanghai Municipal Health Education Committee secretary

Shen Wei

Pay more attention to education fairness, respect students' right to choose, and be more student-oriented——

Do not judge heroes by scores, there will be these "qualitative" changes in the high school entrance examination

Student asked: After the evaluation reform plan was announced, it is required to change the practice of labeling students with scores.

After not judging heroes by points, has the standard of "good students" changed?

What do you want to do to be a "good student" in the future?

Zhong Binglin:

Evaluation of the reform plan to reverse the past tendency of only scores and advancement in exam-oriented education, respect the law of talent growth, and put students first.

  The evaluation standard emphasizes the comprehensive and individual development of students, the comprehensive development of morality, intelligence, physical education, and art, highlighting integrity.

First of all, the evaluation criteria for schools and teachers are not only the number of students admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University, but not only the "one-book" examination rate; then, as the object of education, students naturally do not judge heroes based on scores, and emphasize the comprehensive and individual development of students.

Of course, this is a very systematic project, and the change of concepts requires a long-term process.

Teacher asks: The evaluation reform plan requires the establishment of an examination content system for the comprehensive development of students' morality, intelligence, physical education, and art. What "qualitative" changes will follow the reform of the high school entrance examination in the future?

Zhong Binglin:

The reform of the examination and enrollment system is a very important issue. It points to the standards for talent selection or the evaluation standards for students. Therefore, it ultimately comes down to the reform of the education evaluation system, which is one of the important contents of the education evaluation reform in the new era. One.

  Take the comprehensive reform of the college entrance examination initiated in 2014 as an example. The goal of the reform is first to promote fairness, especially the fairness of admission opportunities. At present, my country's high-quality higher education resources are still relatively scarce.

This also reflects that the main contradiction in the field of education in our country has changed from "difficult to go to university" to "difficult to get a good university."

In 2019, the gross enrollment rate of my country's college entrance examination has reached 51.6%. According to internationally accepted standards, this marks the transition from popularization of higher education in my country to the stage of popularization.

Therefore, the current college entrance examination reform is different from the past. One of its goals is to promote the distribution of high-quality educational resources.

Second is the scientific selection of talents. Through scientific methods and methods, students who are willing to accept higher education are selected and sent to suitable universities for further study.

This is a big change. The elite education stage only needs to pass the unified examination to select the "top students" and send them to the university for further study.

The third purpose of the college entrance examination reform is to promote the healthy development of students, guide primary and secondary schools to overcome the value orientation of the past examination-oriented, and promote the comprehensive development of students' morality, intelligence, physical education, and labor.

  We solve the problem of fair admission opportunities through the allocation of enrollment plans, such as the special plan for enrolling students in rural areas in poverty-stricken areas, and separate admissions; increase the enrollment plans of populous provinces and western provinces, and narrow the gap with the national average college entrance examination admission rate Wait.

  Examination reforms are under exploration. Higher vocational colleges and undergraduate enrollment will conduct classified examinations, and use two different examination papers to measure different talents.

Some higher vocational colleges adopt enrollment, based on the high school performance, and then pass the "vocational orientation test" to determine which major the student is suitable for.

  The content of the exam will also change. It is necessary to "walk in small steps without stopping" and not to "turn biscuits". Students and teachers can't bear it this year and next year.

There is a little change every year, five and eight years accumulated, there will be considerable results.

Regarding liberal arts and sciences is an important reform direction.

  Examination subjects are also being adjusted. At present, the comprehensive reform of the college entrance examination has not only included three subjects in the unified examination of mathematics, but also optional subjects for the academic proficiency test. Some provinces are "3+3", in addition to three subjects other than mathematics, Students choose 3 subjects from the academic proficiency test as optional test subjects. Shanghai is "6 choose 3", Zhejiang is "7 choose 3", this combination is more, "6 choose 3" has 20 combinations, "7 chooses" 3" has 35 combinations.

The eight provinces in the third batch of reforms, including Hebei, tried the "3+1+2" subject combination based on the previous pilot experience. In addition to compulsory examinations other than the number of languages, one of the two subjects of physics and history was chosen as the preferred subject , Choose 2 of the 4 subjects of Chemistry, Biology, Geography, and Politics as the re-selection subjects, there are 12 choices.

These reforms fully respect students' right to choose.

Parents ask: The evaluation reform plan requires that moral education be included in the comprehensive quality evaluation. Although the policy is good, will the distinction be indistinguishable? Everyone is the same, and the final score depends on it?

Zhong Binglin:

Some parents do have such concerns.

To solve this problem, we must pay attention to several points. First, the comprehensive quality evaluation must be "credible", true and reliable, without water, let alone falsification; secondly, "comparable", using facts, data, and evidence to speak, reflecting every living student The development status of the college entrance examination should not be the same. The third is to "use", colleges and universities should use the comprehensive quality evaluation results reasonably, and whether it is "hard-linked" or "soft-linked" with the admissions of the college entrance examination. It is used at any stage of the admission process. Going to explore.

For example, some colleges and universities used the results of comprehensive quality evaluation as an important reference for admission in the enrollment of this year’s "Strong Base Plan"; some pilot provinces also explored comprehensive evaluations such as the "Trinity" and "631" for enrollment. Tests account for 30%, and academic proficiency test scores and comprehensive quality evaluation account for 10%.

In short, it is necessary to actively explore the reform of enrollment methods of "comprehensive evaluation and multiple admission".

  When it comes to the evaluation of "moral education", it should be carried out step by step in accordance with the characteristics of different school levels and different ages. Moral education from elementary school to middle school and university should be designed and implemented in an integrated manner.

I believe that the evaluation of students’ moral character can be specific, such as children’s participation in public welfare activities and social practice activities, examination of whether students have a spirit of collectivism, etc. We must pay attention to the development of students' healthy personality and the development of a sense of social responsibility.

Only with family and country feelings and a sense of social responsibility can the students' learning enthusiasm be better stimulated.

Kai Qi, fully open the national curriculum, promote the creative development of students, reflect the sense of efficacy and satisfaction-

Don’t have to "load the burden" on the school

Good primary and secondary schools should use these "rulers"

Student asks: Every once in a while, there will be reports on the issue of teacher ethics and style on the Internet. When such phenomena are widely known, they often have serious consequences.

How to normalize the supervision of teachers' morality and style?

Zhang Zhiyong: The

"Overall Plan" puts forward that insisting on taking teachers' ethics and style as the first standard reflects the fundamental task of Lide to foster people and the characteristics of the teaching profession.

Generally speaking, the majority of teachers are dedicated to their jobs, and the people are satisfied with the people's teachers.

However, we must also be soberly aware that a small number of teachers’ lack of morality has caused serious negative effects on the education system, and the harm caused to students’ bodies and minds is distressing. We must attach great importance to it, adopt a "zero tolerance" attitude, and resolutely Remediation will be severely punished.

  To assess the morality and style of teachers, we must not only control the bottom line, but also promote the high line.

The most important thing is that the teacher's morality and style should be reflected in the morality and cultivation of people and the cultivation of personality.

It is necessary to improve the teacher honor system, give play to the role of model demonstration and lead, and encourage teachers to love their jobs and work.

Strengthen the construction of teacher ethics and style, and promote the normalization and long-term effect of the construction of teacher ethics and style. Schools of all levels and types must establish teacher ethics and teacher style evaluation and warning education systems; take the performance of teacher ethics as teacher qualification certification, registration, and performance The primary requirements for assessment, job title evaluation, and awards are to strengthen the inspection of teachers' ideological and political quality.

The principal asked: What kind of school is a good school?

While striving to get rid of the one-sided behaviors of focusing on scores and neglecting quality, we should not only use scores and no longer evaluate schools based on the admission rate. What criteria should be used to evaluate the level of schooling?

Zhang Zhiyong:

Regarding the standards of a good school, everyone has their own standards, but the following aspects should become a consensus: to implement the party's education policy, to implement the fundamental task of cultivating people, the basic carrier is to fully implement the national curriculum program , Open all the national courses.

To promote the comprehensive and individual development of students. Student development first refers to the development of all students, followed by the overall development of each student, and finally the creative development of individual students.

The standard of a good school should also reflect the sense of efficacy and satisfaction.

The construction of a modern school system must be complete and effective and meet the requirements of modern education governance.

As the stakeholders of school education, whether students, parents or teachers, they must have a high degree of satisfaction with the school.

  To get rid of one-sided school-running practices such as emphasizing scores and neglecting quality, and changing the tendency of schools to evaluate only scores, the "progress rate only" assessment index should be spelled out to change the result evaluation orientation of the single rate of advancement only.

The result evaluation should move from a single cultural course test score to a combination of moral education, intellectual education, physical education, aesthetic education, and labor education.

At the same time, we must attach importance to process evaluation and incorporate student learning behavior into the evaluation process.

Pay attention to multi-evaluation, not only looking at the test scores of cultural courses, but also looking at the completion of the student's labor list, the development of comprehensive quality and the landmark results.

Finally, to implement value-added evaluation, the evaluation of schools and students must be based on differences and respect the individuality of different schools and students.

Teacher asked: The Ministry of Education proposed many years ago that the average salary of compulsory education teachers should not be lower than that of local civil servants.

The "Overall Plan" once again emphasizes that the distribution of performance wages is inclined to class teachers, and to teachers who are on the front line of teaching and have outstanding educational and teaching effects.


How to ensure landing?

Zhang Zhiyong: In

some places and some schools, the teacher performance salary system reform is initiated in the existing teacher salary. The teachers themselves are opposed to it. They think that this is a part of the salary that is redistributed from their pockets.

In the past, many places did not consider teachers when implementing incentive assessments for civil servants.

In my opinion, the performance pay system must be started by injecting salary increments.

All localities should include the reform of the performance-based wage system when they are honoring the reward wages. This is an opportunity to initiate and improve the performance-based wage system for teachers.

Improve the top-level design of the performance-based salary system. The distribution of performance-based wages should be tilted to class teachers and front-line teachers. That is to tilt to teachers who undertake more education and teaching jobs and tasks. Performance wages should be based on the tasks and tasks of teachers in different positions. The amount is assessed.

Fundamentally speaking, the performance salary of teachers should not be evaluated, but should be done. It is necessary to use the method of simple voting to determine teacher performance salary.

Parents ask: The "Overall Plan" requires the implementation of a home visit system for primary and secondary school teachers and the inclusion of home-school contact in the assessment of teachers. What is the significance?

Zhang Zhiyong:

"Doing home visits" is a glorious tradition of our country's primary and secondary school teachers' work, and it is particularly important to re-propose strengthening this work.

This is the need to implement the fundamental task of Lide to foster people. Each teacher is not only a "major", but also a "personal teacher"; this is the need for home-school cooperation and mutual education in the information and network era.

It needs to be emphasized here that online communication cannot replace on-site home visits. Only by walking into each student’s family can we truly understand and grasp the family conditions, cultural background, and educational expectations of the student’s growth, and more effectively promote home-school cooperation and mutual education.

Focusing on the whole process of student development, the elements of the student evaluation process, and many aspects of social collaboration-

To strengthen the evaluation of labor education, we must focus on these "three integrations"

The principal asked: The "Overall Plan" regards "strengthening the evaluation of labor education" as an important part of "reforming student evaluation and promoting the comprehensive development of morality, intelligence, physical education, and labor."

Labor education is integrated into the whole process of talent training. What experience does Shanghai have?

Shen Wei:

In August this year, the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government issued the "Implementation Opinions on Comprehensively Strengthening Labor Education in Universities, Middle Schools and Primary Schools in the New Era", focusing more on the entire process of student development, various elements of the student evaluation process, and social coordination. Integration":

  Grasping the goal content of school labor education requires integration.

In the longitudinal direction of the school period, according to the age characteristics and acceptance interest of each school section of universities, middle schools and elementary schools, it is spiraling upward and gradual, and the education goals are clearly defined from the four aspects of labor concept, emotion, ability and spirit.

In terms of disciplines, the comprehensive education value of labor education to build morals, increase intelligence, strengthen physical fitness, and educate aesthetics will be brought into play. Relying on the education and teaching reform practice of “discipline moral education” in primary and middle schools and colleges Professional education, general education and innovation and entrepreneurship education are integrated.

  Grasp the integrated implementation of student evaluation.

Explore and study the construction of evaluation indicators and evaluation systems for student labor literacy, and use evaluation results as an important content to measure the overall development of students, as an important reference for evaluation and graduation basis.

Regular colleges and vocational colleges strengthen the evaluation of practical operation ability in the independent test of school enrollment.

Since 2014, Shanghai has combined with the reform of the college entrance examination for high school, and it is clear that participation in public welfare and voluntary service is 60 hours for high school students, 20 hours for secondary vocational students, 80 hours for public welfare labor for junior high school students, and 32 hours for professional experience, and it is included in the comprehensive quality evaluation system for middle school students. .

  Grasp the integration and coordination of labor education in home, school, society.

By clarifying the students' family working hours, rationally arranging homework assignments, and establishing a list of housework for different stages, the family will become the first school for students to receive labor education, and parents will become the students' first labor teacher.

Since 2000, more than 2,000 student social practice bases covering 12 categories including patriotism, labor practice, traditional culture, and popular science education have been built, providing more than 800,000 practical positions to promote students to establish correct labor concepts and improve labor ability.

Teacher asked: An important manifestation of labor education being watered down and weakened is the existence of inadequate and uneven courses, courses being squeezed, and class hours being misappropriated.

How does Shanghai regulate and guarantee the hours of labor education courses?

Shen Wei: The

implementation of class hours is a "basic indicator" for measuring the opening of courses, and it is also a "hard lever" for evaluating school labor education.

In this regard, Shanghai has revealed to the school the "system norms" and clarified the requirements for class hours: compulsory courses for primary and secondary labor education, no less than one class hour per week; vocational colleges use internship training courses as the main carrier, and offer work spirit and model workers. Special compulsory courses on spirit and craftsmanship should be no less than 16 hours; ordinary colleges and universities have specified that labor education mainly depends on courses, and no less than 32 hours for undergraduate.

Parents ask: The "Overall Plan" proposes that the party committee and government should firmly establish a scientific concept of educational development.

How should the party committee and government perform their duties well?

Shen Wei:

Shanghai has always unswervingly strengthened the party’s overall leadership over education. The city has established a labor education work mechanism featuring unified leadership by the party committee, overall promotion by the government, organization and coordination of the education department, relevant departments performing their duties, and the participation of the whole society. Regularly study labor education work as an important content of the municipal party committee’s education work leadership group to clarify, focusing on "two keys":

  Highlight the key force of building a team of labor education teachers.

Continuously improve various guarantee measures such as the evaluation and appointment of full-time teachers, professional development, etc. Through the establishment of a special employment system for labor education teachers, the establishment of labor model studios, skilled master studios, and honorary teacher positions, attracting professionals and skilled craftsmen from all walks of life to take part-time labor education teacher.

  Highlight the key link in strengthening the supervision and evaluation of regions and schools performing labor education responsibilities.

Regarding the implementation of school labor education, especially the course content and class hours, the education supervision department is clearly required to supervise the labor education guarantees of various districts and related departments and the implementation of labor education by the school. The results are disclosed to the public and used as a measure of regional education quality and The important indicators for the classification and evaluation of colleges and universities serve as an important basis for the assessment of rewards and punishments for the supervised departments and schools and their principal persons.

On this basis, Shanghai has continuously improved the responsibility chain covering "government-school-teacher-family-society", allowing all parties to fulfill their responsibilities and perform their respective strengths to jointly promote the high-quality development of labor education.

(The content of this edition is written and compiled: our reporter Yao Xiaodan, Chai Rujin, Chen Peng, Deng Hui)