On October 9, a person at Sunderby Hospital notices that she has symptoms that may be linked to the coronavirus.

She takes samples and waits for answers, as does the rest of the staff group.

At the hospital, however, it was established that she has had asthma / allergies for a couple of weeks now and the hospital's report to the Swedish Work Environment Authority states that: “if the symptoms have a clear cause that you recognize from before, and can not be assumed to be due to covid-19, you do not have to stay at home.

Such causes can be, for example, migraines or allergies ”(Source: Swedish Public Health Agency).

Received an answer six hours later

Then the person begins her work shift and after six hours comes the test result which shows that she has covid-19.

In the report, the Norrbotten Region believes that the risk of infection has been eliminated to other staff and patients as she, and other staff, wore approved protective equipment throughout the session.

However, it is established on the same day as the incident that at least ten employees at two units have fallen ill or tested positive for covid-19, and that patients may have been infected.

SVT Nyheter Norrbotten has tried to reach the unit manager at the department but without results.