The Porte de Gesvres -

Google street view / screenshot

  • The elected representatives of the Metropolitan Council gave a favorable opinion on the project to transform the Porte de Gesvres.

  • Negotiations must still be held with Cofiroute before the launch of the project, which should last nearly three years.

It is one of the dreaded passages for users of the Nantes ring road.

The Porte de Gesvres, north-east of Nantes, is regularly saturated due to its bottleneck caused by the fact that the road there is reduced to 2x1 lanes.

A real sea serpent, the 2x2 lane upgrading project (estimated cost: 47.5 million euros) finally seems to be on track.

This Friday, despite some debates and opposition, the elected representatives of the Metropolitan Council gave a favorable opinion (64 for, 20 against, 6 abstentions) to this development project.

After a public inquiry which has just been completed, the work carried out by Cofiroute should, if all goes well, last nearly three years for entry into service in 2024. “The objective is to keep the ring road in 2x2 lanes on this portion, confirms Bertrand Affilé, vice-president in charge of transport in the metropolis.

This is a major point that will make the device more efficient and improve its security.


Negotiations are however still underway with Cofiroute: the metropolis is asking in particular to avoid the demolition and reconstruction of the Chapel road bridge (some elected officials are opposed to it), but also that the Vieilleville toll becomes free for throughout the construction period.

The Vinci group, which owns the company, does not yet wish to react on the consequences it will give.

Other projects

The metropolitan council, meeting this Friday, voted on another deliberation relating to the improvement of the Nantes ring road.

An intersection route should soon see the light of day between the gates of Retz and d'Armor.

Lanes dedicated to public transport could appear between the gates of Bouguenais and Grandlieu, but also along the meadow of Mauves and on the road to Pornic.


Nantes: The astonishing transformation of the Anne-de-Bretagne bridge to accommodate the tramway


Nantes-Pornic: Complex but eagerly awaited, the transition to 2x2 lanes of the road will make people talk

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  • Nantes