For almost a year, the researchers at ETOUR have interviewed employees in the kitchen and catering, cleaning, reception, conference and managers and safety representatives at eleven different workplaces in the country.

The report shows that employees in the hotel and restaurant industry are exposed to more sexual and racist harassment and threats of violence than employees in many other industries.

Biggest problem in the staff

It may be easy to think that it is mainly about, for example, over-refreshed guests harassing waitresses, but the biggest problems are actually to be found between employees in the workplace.

- A lot has come to be about restaurant kitchens, where there are strong traditional hierarchies and a macho culture that is often quite sexist, says Kristina Zampoukos, PhD in social geography.

In the clip above, Kristina Zampouko gives more examples of what was seen in the study, as well as what is important to bring about a change.