
Our reporters got a letter from President Moon Jae-in to the son of a high school student, Lee Mo, a civil servant who was killed by a North Korean military gun.

The president replied to a letter sent by his son because he could not believe the government announcement that his father had fled North Korea, and President Moon Jae-in promised to take care of himself so that he could reveal the truth.

This is the exclusive report by reporter Do-gyun Kim.


This is a letter from President Moon Jae-in to the son of a high school student Lee Mo, a civil servant who died after being shot by the North Korean military.

In an A4 single reply, President Moon expressed his consolation, saying, "I received the letter I sent to myself with a sore heart and'I felt heartbroken throughout reading.'"

He said,'I have a heart that I must restore my honor if I ask what I should be responsible for when the truth is revealed.

He asked to wait for the results, saying that he would take care of himself so that the entire process would be transparent and the truth could be revealed.

The bereaved family, who waited for the president's reply with heartbreaking response, are still sad.

[Lee Rae-jin/Hyung of the murdered civil servant: I thought that even if only the signature was in hand... . There is no such content as to how to recover the honor or find out the truth, but in principle (sent.)]

Even now, I was just waiting without knowing the situation of the investigation.

The bereaved family will hold a press conference tomorrow (14th) to reveal in detail their position on the letter sent by President Moon.

(Video coverage: Yong Yong Lee and Nam Nam Kim, video editing: Chulho Chae)