The President of Mexico sent a letter to the Pope asking for an apology because of this incident 500 years ago...

  [Global Times reporter Wang Huicong] Mexican President Lopez recently sent a letter to Pope Francis, asking the Catholic Church to apologize for his role in Spain’s repression of indigenous people 500 years ago.

According to the British "Guardian" report on the 11th, next year is the 500th anniversary of the Spanish conquest of Mexico. In the letter, Lopez also requested the Vatican to temporarily return the ancient Aztec manuscripts currently stored in the Catholic Court Library.

The letter was written on October 2, but was made public via Lopez's Twitter on the 10th.

  Lopez said that the Spanish royal family and government, as well as the Vatican, should apologize to the indigenous Mexicans because they all committed "the most condemned atrocities" after the Spanish conquistadors arrived there in 1521.

In Spain’s colonial expansion of the Americas, the Catholic Church played a key role.

Last year, President Mexico made a similar request for an apology to the King and Pope of Spain, but it was directly rejected by the Spanish government.