"A big river has wide waves,

The wind blows the fragrance of rice and flowers on both sides..."

These days

This familiar melody sounded again and again in the streets

On the occasion of National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival

On a plateau thousands of meters above sea level

When the border guards sang "My Motherland"

This special touch

Can't help tears

Plateau Lake

Frontier guards sing "My Motherland"

"In a country without boundary markers,

We are the walking boundary marker.


5418 meters

At the border defense company of Hewei Beach, the highest post in the army

Officers and soldiers often say this

In that remote border

The border guards expressed themselves with persistence

That passionate family and country feelings

Hero to hero

"Veteran Zhang Fuqing, salute you"

When the 95-year-old "battle hero" Zhang Fuqing

I saw a picture of soldiers singing in unison on TV

The old army he was in also appeared in the picture

——The banner of "Yongfeng Fighting Hero Company"

The old hero has tears in his eyes

He let his wife use the phone

Record your message to young comrades in arms:

"Dear comrades in arms, you have worked hard

Veteran Zhang Fuqing, salute you"

After speaking, he raised his right hand

A salute to the border soldiers from the air

This scene poked netizens tears

"When they spoke,

My tears fell."

The simple singing of frontier soldiers

And a passionate confession to the motherland

Moved countless netizens

some of

I miss the families of the soldiers on the border

"You are our pride"

There is admiration and distress

"You give up your family and protect everyone"

Even the border guards

Thanks from the heart

"Thank you for your effort"

Thank you for protecting China with youth!

▌Source of this article: CCTV News (ID: cctvnewscenter) Comprehensive CCTV Military and PLA News