Learning every day | Xi Jinping uses this Mid-Autumn Festival phrase to call on young people in the new era

  The 71st anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China coincides with the Mid-Autumn Festival. 1.4 billion Chinese people are immersed in the joyous and peaceful festival atmosphere, and the feelings of family and country are sublimated at this moment.

  On a Mid-Autumn Festival night more than 800 years ago, the patriotic poet Xin Qiji chanted to the bright moon, "Come on the wind, and look down at the mountains and rivers."

The poet dreamed that he would become a flying big peng bird, riding the wind straight into the sky, overlooking the great mountains and rivers of the motherland.

  On May 2, 2018, at the Peking University faculty-student symposium, General Secretary Xi Jinping quoted Xin Qiji's ambitious Mid-Autumn Festival phrase, calling on young people in the new era to take advantage of the spring breeze of the new era and fly their youth dreams in the vast sky of the motherland.


  Inferred from the title and meaning of the word, the word was written on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival in the first year of Song Xiaozong's Chunxi (1174), and Xin Qiji wrote when Jiankang (now Nanjing) served as the Senate Officer of the Jiangdong Comfort Department.

At this time, it has been twelve years since its return to the south.

In order to regain the Central Plains, Xin Qiji wrote many times to advocate fighting against gold, but they were not accepted, so he had to vent his loyalty in his words.

  Shangque, "A round of autumn shadows turn to golden waves, and flying mirrors are refurbished." The phrase is sparse and magnificent, depicting the clarity of the world under the bright moon.

The poet compares the moonlight to a golden wave that spreads to the earth; compares the moon to a polished bronze mirror that hangs high in the sky.

Facing the bright moonlight, the poet thought of his unfulfilled ambitions and gray hair, unable to resolve the loneliness in his heart, so he "asked the wine to Shen'e", and burst out a heart-breaking question: "Be (the same' Put on') white hair and deceiving others?"

  Xia Que "Take the wind to go, thousands of miles in the sky, look straight down at the mountains and rivers", the poet imagines himself as a big Peng bird, riding the wind straight to the sky, overlooking the great mountains and rivers of the motherland.

The "mountain and river" in the poet's eyes not only guides southern China under the rule of the Song Dynasty, but also includes northern China under the iron hoof of the Golden Man. He hopes that the whole motherland will be bright and bright.

This sentence is different from the disgust of reality in Su Dongpo's "I want to go back by the wind" in "Shui Tiao Ge Tou", and embodies the poet's deep feelings about people's livelihood.

In the last two sentences, "Go to Guipusuo, humanity is more, clear light is more", the poet linked to the story of Wu Gang's cutting of osmanthus in myths and legends, using Du Fu's "One Hundred and Five Nights to the Moon" in "The moon is in the gui, Qingguang" The verse “should be more” expresses the political desire to eradicate evil and reorganize the world.


  "Take the wind, travel thousands of miles in the sky, look straight down at the mountains and rivers" is the 34-year-old Xin Qiji's dream of wishing for the country's Jin Ou to be perfect.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in the report of the 19th National Congress: "The Chinese dream is historical, realistic, and future; it belongs to our generation, and it belongs to the younger generation. The Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation will eventually be seen in generations of youth. It becomes a reality in the relay struggle." As a young Chinese in the new era, we must keep in mind the general secretary’s entrustment, bravely ride on the spring breeze of the new era, and strive to be a dream chaser and struggler in the new era.

  Struggle is the most beautiful background of youth, and youth is the golden age of flying dreams and fighting hard.

"Youth ideal, youthful vitality, and youthful struggle are the vitality of Chinese spirit and strength." General Secretary Xi Jinping encouraged students at the Peking University teacher-student symposium. "The majority of young people should release their youth passion and pursue their youth ideals in their struggle. , With the self of youth and the self of struggle, pave the way for national rejuvenation and contribute to the construction of the motherland."

  In the new era, young people must have a sense of family and country, have the courage to shoulder the mission entrusted by the times, and take the initiative to act.

This year is the closing year of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and the 13th Five-Year Plan. It is a crucial year for achieving the first centenary goal and a year of resolute victory in poverty alleviation.

Standing at such a time node, the vast number of young people are born at the right time and have a heavy responsibility on their shoulders. They must incorporate the power of struggle into the magnificent great practice, become a new force for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and shoulder the hopes of the country and the nation. .

  "Youth is splendid by tempering, and life is sublimated by struggle." On the journey of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, young people in the new era must live up to the party's expectations, people's expectations, and national trust, and assume the future of the country, the destiny of the nation, and the people. The important task of happiness, keep in mind the mission, work hard, and dare to take responsibility, write the life chapter of the new era with the youth of struggle, and make the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation become a reality in the relay struggle of generations of youth.

(Author Yang Lixin)

  (CCTV Network of China Central Radio and Television)