Five British parrots shocked zookeepers with their'hot mouth'.

On the 1st local time, the BBC and other foreign media reported that five African gray parrots living in Lincolnshire Wildlife Park had been quarantined at a zoo because of their bad horse habits.

Last August, Lincolnshire Wildlife Park adopted the parrots Eric, Jade, Elsey, Tyson and Billy from different owners.

However, these parrots who lived together in a cage began to show startling behavior in just a few days.

They gave each other a “fat bastard”, “fuck off” and so on.

The African Gray Parrot is known to learn and realistically imitate people's'speech' more quickly than other parrot species.

Park officials judged that one parrot had spread the swear words they had learned somewhere to other parrots, and had some hope that if the parrots met many visitors and learned various sounds in the future, they would no longer swear.

However, as time passed, the parrots talked more and more.

Whenever they swear, people responded by being angry or laughing out loud, and the exciting parrots sweared more actively.

While some enjoyed the sudden behavior of the five parrots, caretakers eventually quarantined the parrots in indoor cages for children's visitors.

Nicholas, the manager, said, "This time, five birds are separated into separate cages so that they do not irritate each other. We are hoping to learn good words from the newly met parrots." If it happens, I don't know what to do at that time.”

As this news became known, the wild animal park's social media was flooded with requests from netizens, asking, "Please allow me to meet swearing parrots outdoors."

Some netizens came up with specific suggestions, such as, "You just need to post a notice saying'harmful words may be heard for children' near the place where the parrots live" and "There is also a way to create a space for adults only It.

This is'News Pick'.

(Photo ='Lincolnshire Wildlife Park' Facebook)