Less than three months after Yusuf decided to talk to the police, his cousin was shot dead in the family home.

The cousin was unpunished, was involved in security issues and worked at a library.

On February 15, the cousin had come to the family to tell them that he was getting married.

The doorbell rang.

He opened, closed quickly, and was shot several times through the door.

One theory is that the purpose was to stop Yusuf from testifying at the trial.

Despite the murder, Yusuf testified.

The trial was well guarded by police.

Appealed to the police

But the time before the murder, he and his plaintiff's counsel appealed that the family needed to be protected, that they were not safe in the particularly vulnerable area of ​​Skäggetorp in Linköping.

The police, however, considered that they were safe there.

- It is obviously the case that it was a misjudgment on the part of the police because this cousin was murdered.

It was not just perceived threats.

It was a real threat, says Eva Kokkonen, the prosecutor who led the investigation regarding the attempted murder.

State task of protecting witnesses

She does not believe that the protection of witnesses and their relatives is good in Sweden, but wants a similar system as in the USA, where there is a comprehensive witness protection program.

What she wants to see is the opportunity to quickly arrange housing in medium-sized cities to protect families.

The radio program Kaliber, which also examines the case, has in a survey asked the country's municipalities if they have difficulty helping to take care of people who need protection.

190 out of 290 have responded to Caliber's survey and 40 percent believe it is a problem and refer to the economy.

Kokkonen believes that those affected also need financial support when, like Yusuf's parents, they are forced to quit their jobs.

It should be possible to arrange training places for siblings, without unnecessary delay.

That the financial responsibility that today ends up in an often small municipality, becomes an unnecessary burden, says the prosecutor who wants the state to take overall responsibility.

- It is a state task to protect witnesses and their relatives, says Eva Kokkonen.