NY stock market Dow Jones Industrial Average rises sharply President Trump's discharge is reported October 6th 5:39

The Dow Jones Industrial Average has risen sharply since the beginning of the week when President Trump, who was hospitalized after being infected with the new coronavirus, was discharged from the New York stock market.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed on the 5th at $ 28,148,64 cents, up $ 465.83 from last weekend, recovering $ 28,000.

President Trump, who was infected with the new coronavirus and was hospitalized, said that his symptoms were not severe, and the price had risen significantly since the start of the transaction on that day. Did.

In addition, the stock index of NASDAQ, which has many IT-related stocks, has also risen sharply.

Market officials said, "President Trump has been discharged and concerns that the White House may be dysfunctional have been removed for the time being, giving the market a sense of security. The expectation that discussions on additional economic measures would give momentum also led to buy orders. "