- We have just stopped an A-tractor that goes too fast.

If it goes faster than 30 kilometers per hour, it is not a tractor, but then it is a car and then you must have a driving license, says Stefan Ingö, the police in Växjö.

It is common for young people in their 15s to own a so-called a-tractor.

A vehicle that is limited in speed to be able to walk at a maximum of 30 kilometers per hour.

According to the police, however, it is common for some of these vehicles to be able to be driven many times faster.

Changed in the gearbox

What some owners do with their A-tractors to be able to reach a higher speed is that they change in the gearbox.

On an A-tractor there is a latch that allows you to only drive in first and second gear.

The rear gearbox is locked to one gear.

SVT Nyheter was present when the police checked an a-tractor.

It turned out that the locks were removed and that the A-tractor could be switched to a completely normal Volvo 940.

- What happens when you have manipulated the A-tractor is that you drive a car and it is not okay, says Stefan Ingö.

Gets the driver's license revoked

For the driver who is caught in the control of the police, the result is a confiscated driving license for an A-tractor.

Before the A-tractor can be driven again, the gearbox must be locked.

Even two almost completely worn tires on the car must be replaced.

In addition to a lock-in period on the driving license, there will be a report of illegal driving and that the certificate of suitability required to obtain a driving license for a car may be delayed.