After the extension of paternity leave, the government is unveiling new measures to support young children and their parents.

Taking up other elements of the report on the "1000 first days of the child" of the commission chaired by Boris Cyrulnik, it proposes in particular to allow childminders to take in an additional child, one week per month, in the event of emergency for parents.

After the extension of paternity leave, the Secretary of State for Children and Families, Adrien Taquet is to announce on Monday a new series of measures for the reception of young children, which he has already begun to unveil in the columns of

the Sunday Journal


On the menu: more positions in maternal and child protection (PMI), in maternity, or an application to geolocate childcare solutions near home.

Another measure concerns the 340,000 childminders working in the country, and gives them the possibility of welcoming an additional child within the limit of one week per month in case of emergency for the parents.


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The idea is to be able to entrust your child a few days a month, and in a very exceptional way, to a childminder who already takes in three or four, in the event of the nursery being closed, the nanny's absence, or even if a parent must pass a job interview.

An overload of work for the assistants? 

For the childminder, it's a little more money earned, and for the parents, it's a plan B that can relieve them punctually.

But some professionals in the sector denounce an additional workload for women who are already very busy.

At the microphone of Europe 1, a maternal assistant with more than 30 years of experience ensures that she can fully welcome a fourth child, but specifies that she will not be able to provide the same quality reception as usual.

"The fourth, I can do it. First, I have to make a place for him. I can take care of it, but I can't take him to the park, go out with the four. ", she explains.

"My elevator, my stroller ... I can't have more than three."