On September 25, one of the activities of "My Hometown, Your Home-Cross-Strait Marriage and Family Trip to Sichuan and Chongqing", the Sichuan cuisine cultural experience event was held in Chengdu.

In the cooking class of Sichuan Institute of Tourism, nearly 70 representatives of marriages and families from both sides of the strait watched the live teaching of Sichuan cuisine masters and learned about the background culture of Sichuan cuisine.

  Mapo tofu and Kung Pao chicken were the topics of the competition. After the teaching course, representatives of cross-strait marriages and families were divided into 12 groups to compete in cooking.

The representatives of marriages and families on both sides of the Strait incorporated the cooking skills learned in class and their own understanding of Sichuan cuisine into the delicious dishes. They not only learned the skills of Sichuan cuisine, but also had a deeper understanding of Sichuan cuisine culture.

(Lu Yang)

Editor in charge: [Liu Xian]