Focus interview: how to deal with the livelihood of the people?

The general secretary came to solicit "golden ideas"


(Focus Interview): Education, culture, health, and sports. These four fields are closely related to everyone's life.

How well these fields have been built is related to the comprehensive completion of a well-off society and the next development of the well-off society, and to Xiaoli, it is related to our physical health, quality of life, cultural level, and professional development.

In other words, after eating and getting warm, our more needs are almost related to these areas.

In the coming new stage of development, what are the shortcomings in these areas to make up for and which weaknesses to be strong?

What are the old problems and new challenges?

On September 22, General Secretary Xi Jinping hosted a symposium of representatives of experts in related fields in Beijing to listen to opinions and suggestions on economic and social development during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, and communicate with experts in these key livelihood areas.

  At the symposium on September 22, General Secretary Xi Jinping introduced the original intention of convening the symposium to experts from the fields of education, culture, health and sports.

These aspects have one thing in common, that is, "people's livelihood concerns". Solving people's livelihood issues is the starting point and goal of our party's governance of the country.

  Education is a major plan for the country and the party.

At the symposium on the 22nd, the general secretary first emphasized the cultivation of newcomers of the era who are responsible for national rejuvenation.

Regarding Lide Shuren as the fundamental task of education, running ideological and political courses is a matter of great concern to the General Secretary.

  Cultivating talents should start with children. To train new people who can take on the great task of national rejuvenation, we must first lay a solid foundation.

At the symposium, Cheng Jianping, secretary of the Party Committee of Beijing Normal University, gave the first speech on how to continuously improve and improve my country's basic education.

  How can high-quality basic education benefit students from all over the country and cultivate first-class talents?

At the symposium, General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed to base on serving the national regional development strategy, optimize the allocation of regional education resources, accelerate the formation of a spatial pattern of educational development that combines point, line and surface, and echoes east, middle and west, and enhance the level of regional development strategies for education services.

  When talking about the importance of culture, Xi Jinping used this expression: Without the prosperity and development of socialist culture, there would be no socialist modernization.

China is an ancient civilization with a history of 5,000 years. The General Secretary emphasized that raising the level of social civilization should be a major task in building a socialist cultural power.

It is necessary to thoroughly study the origin and characteristics of Chinese civilization and Chinese culture, and form a relatively complete conceptual system of Chinese cultural genes.

  Cultural self-confidence is a more basic, deeper and more lasting force in the development of a country and a nation.

The "14th Five-Year Plan" period is a critical period for the further prosperity and development of socialist cultural undertakings. The General Secretary has raised the importance of culture to an unprecedented height.

  Without the health of the whole people, there will be no comprehensive well-off.

The general secretary proposed that the broad masses of people should be provided with fair, accessible and systematic and continuous health services such as prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, and health promotion.

  In the fight against the epidemic, the general secretary proposed that "life is paramount, the people are paramount"; when formulating the national medium and long-term plan, the general secretary once again emphasized that "people's health must be given priority in the development strategy, and efforts should be made to ensure people's health in an all-round and full cycle."

Focusing on the old problems and new challenges we are facing, we will come up with practical and hard measures to comprehensively promote the construction of a healthy China.

  In an ever-evolving society, attention to health cannot be limited to disease prevention and treatment. The general secretary emphasized that sports is an important way to improve people’s health. It is to satisfy people’s yearning for a better life and promote people’s comprehensiveness. An important means of development is an important driving force for promoting economic and social development and an important platform for demonstrating the soft power of the country’s culture.

  The "14th Five-Year Plan" is my country's first five-year plan after building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way. It promotes various social undertakings to add new impetus and create a new situation, not only for preparing for the next five years, but also for the future. Within a period of time, a solid foundation has been laid for my country's social and economic development.

Following the symposium of scientists, the general secretary again focused on the issues of talent training and technological innovation at this symposium.

  Efforts should be made to run a satisfactory education for the people, so that the people can enjoy a more substantial, richer, and higher-quality spiritual and cultural life, accelerate the improvement of the quality of health and health supply and service levels, and coordinate the construction of national fitness facilities. A sense of gain, happiness, and security.

  The modern socialist country we want to build is a country where the country is strong and the people are rich.

This wealth is not only material wealth, but also spiritual wealth; not only to make everyone’s income level higher and higher, but also to make everyone’s quality of life higher and higher; not only to make everyone’s life better, but also Let everyone develop well.

The "14th Five-Year Plan" will be the specific guidance for economic and social development after entering the new stage of development, and it is of great significance.

In the process of preparing the plan, combining the strengthening of the top-level design with the persistence of inquiring into the people, and fully absorbing the expectations of the society, the wisdom of the people, the opinions of experts, and the experience at the grassroots level will make this plan more scientific, reasonable, instructive and instructive. Pertinence is also an important part of improving the level of national governance.