The measuring stations measure the particle levels in the air and it is in the PM10 category (see fact box below) that Norrköping has been high in recent days.

- We have generally had high levels in the air throughout the country in the past week.

But it is likely that the fire was a contributing factor that gave the high levels in Norrköping, says Matthew Ross-Jones, administrator at the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency's air unit.

The data shown in the diagram at the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency must, however, be regarded as preliminary values ​​and have not had time to be reviewed or quality assured, points out Matthew Ross-Jones.

The graphics of the last month's values ​​in Norrköping show a substantial increase after the fire.

Data from the real-time screening 2020-09-25.

Data from the real-time screening 2020-09-25.

Data from the real-time screening 2020-09-25.

See air quality in real time.