Horse assaults have increased for several months in France, without much progress on the side of investigators.

So to protect the owners, volunteers from Haute-Garonne are mobilizing to organize night patrols.

The mystery remains in the case of the mutilations of horses that occurred in recent months in France.

So to support and relieve the anxieties of horse owners, a group of citizens of Haute-Garonne decided to come to their aid.

It all started with a Facebook group created by two people: Charlotte Cachoire and Cédric Fargues.

Through this group, they "recruited" other volunteers who propose to come and carry out guards from 7 pm to 8 am the next morning.

Between two and six people are mobilized, depending on the size of the property.


- Mutilated horses: "I'm afraid for my animals", testifies an attacked owner

The gendarmes warned of the presence of volunteers

Their presence is imposing, since they often come in 4x4 and position themselves in strategic places: one vehicle at the beginning of the road to the property, another at the other end, a third very close to groups of horses or ponies.

The volunteers must first count the animals to be sure that none are missing at the end of the night.

If they see anything, they call the gendarmes, who are warned of the presence of volunteers, to avoid any risk of confusion.

"We were finally able to sleep," tells one of the owners at the Dépêche du Midi.

The physical but also psychological support of these volunteers is increasingly sought in the region.

Last Saturday, a pony was found dead in Loupiac, in the Tarn, shot dead.

An investigation has been opened.