[Commentary] On September 23, the State Council Information Office held a press conference to introduce the decisive victory over education and poverty alleviation and the realization of compulsory education.

At the meeting, Deputy Minister of Education Zheng Fuzhi introduced that the number of dropouts in compulsory education nationwide has dropped from 600,000 to 2,419, basically realizing that all dropouts should be returned.

  [Concurrent] Zheng Fuzhi, Vice Minister of Education

  As of September 15 this year (2020), the number of students who dropped out of school across the country has dropped from about 600,000 last year (2019) to 2,419 in the thousands by September.

We have a special account for 600,000 students who have dropped out of school. Every child has a record. We implement a system of canceling the number.

Among the 600,000 (persons), there were 200,000 students who set up files and registered cards. Now basically they are advised to return to school and they have gone to school normally.

First of all, the students who dropped out are advised to return. Now it is basically realized that all (students) who should have returned have returned.

  [Explanation] In addition, Zheng Fuzhi introduced that in recent years, teachers' guarantee and subsidy coverage have also made positive progress, further improving the level of compulsory education guarantee.

  [Concurrent] Zheng Fuzhi, Vice Minister of Education

  In the past few years, the "Special Post Program" has recruited about 950,000 teachers (persons). These 950,000 teachers cover about 1,000 counties across the country and about 30,000 schools.

The "two exemptions and one supplement" are now effectively and smoothly implemented. The so-called "two exemptions" are exemption of tuition and miscellaneous fees and free textbooks for all students.

The so-called "one subsidy" is to provide living allowances to students whose families are in financial difficulties.

Another aspect is nutritious meals. The nutrition improvement plan is implemented. Now about 40 million rural children enjoy nutritious meal subsidies every year. This plan has covered all poor counties.

So far, the problem of dropping out of school due to poverty has been basically solved.

  [Explanation] The realization of compulsory education is guaranteed, not only to "persuade" students, but also to "retain" students.

In this regard, Zheng Fuzhi said that while continuously improving the funding system, scientific arrangements should be made to strengthen care and assistance.

  [Concurrent] Zheng Fuzhi, Vice Minister of Education

  The first is to do a good job of scientific placement, which varies from person to person. Every dropout student who is advised to return is not the same, and the number of years of dropout is also different, and then they have different learning foundations when they are in school.

Therefore, it is necessary to conduct scientific research and judgment, to analyze the academic situation, and to make reasonable arrangements for each individual case.

The second aspect is to do a good job of care and assistance.

On the one hand, strengthen psychological care and let the children lay down their burdens.

It is your right to receive compulsory education. It is my right and responsibility to come back to receive compulsory education if you did not finish it in the past.

The second is to strengthen the guidance of learning, so that they can keep up with their studies as soon as possible.

  [Explanation] Zheng Fuzhi said that in the next step, the Ministry of Education will continue to focus on key areas and highlight key populations.

Further consolidate the results of "controlling dropouts and protecting schools" and speed up the establishment of a long-term mechanism for solving relative poverty through education and linking rural revitalization.

It really enables students to come in, be stable, and learn well.

  Cheng Yu reports from Beijing

Editor in charge: [Liu Xian]