18-year imprisonment for former manager criticized by President Xi Aim for media blackout China September 22, 22:58

In China, the prominent former managers who had a critical remark to Xi Jinping Jintao, Beijing court has handed down a sentence of imprisonment 18 years as such made significant embezzlement.

The Chinese authorities, by showing a severe attitude to the critical person to Xi Jinping leadership, can be seen that there is an aim to strengthen the gag.

The decision was made by former top Chinese real estate company Ren Zhiqiang, a member of the Communist Party.

Is appointed Mr. the often critical remarks against Xi Jinping Jintao, even since the beginning of this year, the sentence to criticize severely the習主seat On the new corona virus had been posted on the net.

In response, Chinese authorities stripped him of his party membership in July for "a serious violation of discipline," and subsequently charged him with corruption.

On the 22nd, a Beijing court announced that he had sentenced him to 18 years in prison and a fine for embezzling more than 49 million yuan and about 760 million yen in Japanese yen using his position. Did.

The court says he will not appeal.

Recently, China, is constrained scholars that the critical remarks to習主seat, if you are such subject to dismissal disposal from the University of belonging, by showing a severe attitude to the critical person to Xi Jinping leadership, the gag It seems that there is an aim to strengthen it.