Alicia Eklund is in class SA18B at Celsiusskolan.

She is not surprised that the numbers look like they do.

- Then I do not know if it is because the guys do not talk about it.

But I hear a lot more girls who are stressed, she says.

The figures have looked the same since the measurements began twelve years ago.

One third get physical symptoms

Of those surveyed, 30 percent of the girls have headaches or stomach aches during high school.

Many also state that they have had difficulty sleeping.

There are no exact answers as to why stress is so much higher among girls, but several of the school representatives we spoke to believe that girls place higher demands on themselves.

- They should be so good today.

On everything.

It leads to everything possible, many have difficulty sleeping, stop eating, stop exercising, says Sara Lundahl, student coach at Celsiusskolan.

She works closely with students to structure school work and prioritize to feel good and at the same time succeed in her studies.

- It is very important that the teachers pay attention to this and talk to the student.

Then we have a student health team that they can play with and find good solutions, she says.

In the clip above, students tell themselves how they view stress, and school staff tell how they work to reduce it.