Marie's daughter attempted suicide after being raped by a friend of hers at a student party.

At the microphone of Olivier Delacroix, on "La Libre antenna" of Europe 1, Marie tells how she and her husband accompanied their daughter who initially did not want to talk to them about it.


Marie's daughter was raped by a friend of her at a student party.

It wasn't until three weeks later that her parents found out, after she attempted suicide.

At the microphone of "La Libre antenna", on Europe 1, Marie tells the story of her daughter's reconstruction, who is starting to get better, a year after the events.

She also invites parents to educate boys more about the concept of consent.

>> Listen to Mary's testimony in full here

"Our 20 year old daughter was raped at a student party by a friend of hers. She did not tell us about it. We were told by one of her friends three weeks later, because she did. attempted suicide. She is several hundred kilometers from our house. We went to see her immediately. I was totally distraught. I was unable to help her, unable to understand the fact that she wished to die and unable to understand this tremendous suffering that she must have felt during these three weeks when she did not ask us for help.


She feels guilty, not a victim


When we got there she told us she would not file a complaint.

She was adamant.

She feels guilty, not a victim.

We had to do things with her, but above all not to talk about it.

Afterwards, she managed to talk about it.

I understood he was in love with her.

I am very angry that she wanted to die.

I don't want to downplay the act at all, of course it's not okay for a boy to go on when a girl doesn't want to.

My daughter didn't say no, she couldn't pronounce it. 

Things have changed.

When I look back 40 years, I think my first sexual encounter was not wanted at all.

I didn't say anything, like my daughter.

The next day I was not well, but my life continued.

I feel like I'm minimizing, but I don't want to minimize.

It was not the same time.

I continued to live normally, why didn't it turn out like this for her?

Why did she risk dying?

This is what makes me angry.


We must not claim that she speaks


Almost a year has passed.

She is starting to get better and come out.

We're starting to see the end of the tunnel.

I'm sure she'll be fine.

There was confinement and school holidays.

I think she will have to see this boy again.

She told me that he had tried to reconnect with her, because he is obviously in love with her.

It will never happen, but I wish I could meet him and tell him the wrong he did to him.

Is he even aware of what he has done?

Although we felt helpless and devastated, by dint of patience, love, of always listening to him at any time of the night, we get by.

We saw that with no way out, we said to ourselves that she could never live again as before.

Her daddy played a very important role.

I had too much anger in me.

I wanted her to talk to me, but you shouldn't ask her to talk.

I think he was less able to express his concern and his suffering.

Still, I know it was very difficult for him.

>> Find Olivier Delacroix's Libre antenna in replay and podcast here

I think it's the parents' fault for the boys too.

We are always afraid for our daughters, we warn them.

But we never talk to our boys about the fact that they are not allowed to sleep with a girl when she doesn't want to.

Parents need to integrate this value into their education.

I didn't do it for my boys who are 30 years old.

It must be something we talk about as a family.

It has to be obvious to them. "