There are common reasons for losing friends, such as being offended, trespassing, bored, etc.

But today, there is a new cause for concern because he is so fast growing and even so in control of building new friendships.

This reason is the political dispute.

In a world where politics has become part of the everyday detail of people's lives and influences their various decisions, it is possible that your tendencies no longer match your friends.

Sometimes that leads to the end of the relationship.

So this should be dealt differently before it gets out of control and you lose everyone around you.

Can you be friends with someone with different political beliefs, or not?


Diane Barth, therapist and psychoanalyst - in an article on the Psychology Today site - believes that friendship can last on a simple condition, which is refraining from engaging in controversial topics, and that political disagreement causes a great deal of hostility and mockery between two people and may lead to The friendship has already ended.

She says: A woman I know surprised me when she was interested in politics, when she said that she prevented politics from her conversations with friends and with family because “it is very stressful. If we agree politically, we are busy and upset about what is happening and we feel helpless and hopeless in the end, so what's the point? "Politically agree, we get upset and anxious about not being friends anymore. So I don't talk about these things anymore."

When you try to change your friend's opinion, the discussion moves from calm to argument and perhaps personal attack (pixels)

How to handle the situation

Liveabout offers some advice that can save the friendship from political discord, such as:

Discuss the issues without trying to change your friend's opinion

When you try to change your friend's opinion, the discussion shifts from calm to argument, and may start shouting and personal attack.

It might be uncomfortable for some people when friends don't believe in the same thing they believe, but to keep those friends, let them, don't try to change what they believe.

Understand even if you disagree.

Stating the facts One

of the most frustrating things about a policy debate is that people on both sides rarely get all the facts right.

So when you have a discussion with a friend, focus on factual statements that you know are true, and if your friend makes a mistake, calmly give him the correct information, and if he argues with you though, don't care, at least you know what the real problem is right now.

Avoid contentious issues

Friends should be able to talk about most things because even when they disagree, they can learn things from each other.

However, some may feel that there is no way to agree on an issue, so instead of getting angry and upset and for the sake of your friendship, focus on the majority of positive things, rather than stirring up arguments about contentious issues.

Agree to disagree.

This requires a certain type of friend to agree to disagree without getting into arguments.

This means that you can express your opinions once in a while, but without getting into a long discussion.

You will both have the patience to listen to each other, but when things flare up, hold back and change the topic.

Discuss the issues without trying to change your friend's opinion (Pixels)

Don't make it up personally

In an article on Psychology Today, educational psychologist and author of the books, Arti Nimko, provides some other advice that is useful while entering an intense political debate:

  • When you are dealing with a friend whose opinions are far removed from yours, it is very easy to feel frustrated and want to resort to personal insults or the use of insults, but don't.

    The use of personal attack may obscure that person's ability to assimilate any facts you say or express.

  • Don't insult politicians who disagree about them, you risk your friend feeling personally offended.

    Instead, state your position on an issue on which you disagree with the politician.

  • Choosing an appropriate time and place in which to discuss your political disagreement carefully. Having a conversation about politics at a time when you feel tired, stressed, or sad can have repercussions that you will not be satisfied with later.

  • Do not start a debate about politics with those who believe in ideologies contrary to yours. Sometimes, it may not be worth the effort to initiate a tense conversation known to have uncomfortable consequences for both parties.

  • There are friends with whom you may have great discussions even if you fundamentally disagree with each other, they only care to confirm their point of view, and do not go into much defense of it, and there are others who have strong opinions who are interested in discussions and have enough confidence to defend their opinions, these people are not encouraged to go with them. In discussions.

  • You must understand that when your friend disagrees with you politically, you do not have to end the friendship, but you can set some limits to help you evaluate the matter, for example if his political views violate basic human rights, then you have the right to say peace and look for a safe way out.

  • When you need a quick escape during a tense conversation involving politics, all you have to do is come up with something that everyone can agree on, and soon you have a quick chance to leave without another word.