
19 September 2020 "Globalize" health care, to give everyone "the possibility of accessing those drugs that could save many lives for all populations".

A need all the more pressing at the time of the pandemic, when large sections of the world population risk being excluded from the distribution of the Coronavirus vaccine.

This is the center of Pope Francis' speech to the members of the Banco Pharmaceutical Foundation, whose twentieth anniversary is celebrated this year.

In the Vatican, in the Paul VI hall, Francis exposed the risks of what he called "pharmaceutical marginality and poverty".

"Those who live in poverty are poor in everything, including drugs, and therefore their health is more vulnerable - said the pontiff - Sometimes there is the risk of not being able to be treated for lack of money, or because some populations of the world do not have access to certain drugs. There is also a 'pharmaceutical marginality'. This creates a further gap between nations and peoples. On the ethical level, if there is the possibility of treating a disease with a drug, this should be available to everyone, otherwise an injustice is created. Too many people, too many children are still dying in the world because they cannot have that drug that is available in other regions, or that vaccine ".

"We know the danger of the globalization of indifference - added Bergoglio - I propose instead to globalize treatment, that is the possibility of accessing those drugs that could save many lives for all populations. And to do this we need one common effort, of a convergence that involves everyone ".

Pope Francis made explicit reference to the current situation, with the world grappling with the pandemic.

"The recent experience of the pandemic, in addition to a major health emergency in which nearly a million people have already died, is turning into a serious economic crisis, which still generates poor people and families who do not know how to go forward - explained the Pope. - While charitable assistance is being carried out, it is also a question of combating this pharmaceutical poverty, in particular with the widespread diffusion in the world of new vaccines. I repeat that it would be sad if in providing the vaccine priority were given to the richest, or if this vaccine became the property of this or that nation, and were no longer for everyone. It must be universal, for everyone ".

Pope Francis expressed the hope that "scientific research can progress to always seek new solutions to old and new problems".

"The work of so many researchers is precious and represents a magnificent example of how human study and intelligence are able to grow, as far as possible, new healing and treatment paths - he said - Pharmaceutical companies, supporting research and by orienting production, they can generously contribute to a more equitable distribution of drugs. Pharmacists are called to carry out a care service in proximity to the most needy people, and in science and conscience they work for the integral good of those who turn to them . Even the rulers, through legislative and financial choices, are called to build a more just world, in which the poor are not abandoned or, worse still, discarded ".

Bergoglio wanted to thank the Pharmaceutical Bank, an organization that deals with recovering medicines from donors and companies to deliver them to over 1,800 charitable organizations.

"Thank you very much for the service you carry out in favor of the weakest - said Pope Francis - Thank you for what you are doing. The Medicines Collection Day is an important example of how generosity and the sharing of goods can improve our society. bear witness to that love in the closeness that is required of us by the Gospel (cf. Jn 13:34). I bless all of you present here, your families. I bless and ask God to bless all of you who, as the president said, are of different religions. But God is Father of all and I ask: God, bless all of you, your families, your work, your generosity. And, since priests always ask, I ask you to pray for me ".