- You might think that our report would be enough, but it is good that the County Administrative Board is reporting now.

It is still an authority, says Gunnar Schön, unit manager at SVAO, when he shows the damage to the vegetation in the area for SVT Nyheter Södertälje.

The police now say that they will make a proper investigation of the case.

Motor Club: "Our courses are marked"

The motor club AMF Södertälje, which conducts both motocross and enduro activities in the vicinity of the reserve, condemns the illegal driving.

- We oppose everything similarly, it is something that gives us a bad reputation.

That it is run in nature reserves and that it is run down in the city, it is our biggest problem, that people do not follow what applies, says Magnus "Mankan" Österberg, board member of AMF Södertälje.

What have you as a club done to counteract this type of driving?

- Our courses are marked, we can not do much more than that.

If someone then goes off the band, it's not okay, but as we see it, we can not do much about it.

It is an individual responsibility.

Direct report · Like: What should you do in nature reserves?


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4 min09.45

It is not a good idea to set up rules about what may and may not be done in a nature reserve if there is no supervision that the rules are followed.

Common sense has disappeared and people do not stop riding motorcycles illegally until there is literally a police officer in front.

However, the police have other things in mind and the solution, which Lena also writes earlier, is to employ a lot of Rangers / Nature Conservators who can be on site in the forest and stop the bus driving.

If illegal driving is now a major problem, responsible authorities should invest and raise money to establish a large number of Ranger services around the country.


5 min09.44

Nature reserves should be for quiet hiking and contemplation, swimming and similar quiet activities.

Absolutely not motor vehicles, drones, stray dogs and the like ... As Lena pointed out, we should introduce national park and nature reserve guards / informants in Sweden.

Illegal off-road driving must end!

It destroys our common nature reserves, as well as the experience of the majority of visitors who show consideration.

The police must prioritize this and other environmental crimes!


5 min09.44

In some nature reserves / national parks you are not allowed to bring a dog with you, but on the other hand you are allowed to cycle.


A coupled dog does significantly less damage than bicycles.


2 tim08.16

In nature reserves, it is the right of public access and specific rules that must apply and be respected.

There are nature and animals worth preserving and if you do not follow this, a fine must be imposed.

Each nature reserve must have Rangers who guard and protect it, Telephone numbers must be posted to get in touch with.

Rangers should be able to fine violations of the rules that apply.

As a hiker, I come to many nature reserves and it is a great joy that they exist!
