SVT Nyheter Blekinge has for several years followed the 54-year-old Blekinge entrepreneur's case, and was able to reveal extensive suspected credit fraud where several of the man's hundreds of companies are believed to have been used as criminal tools.

In April 2019, Blekinge District Court sentenced the man to 18 months in prison for serious accounting offenses - but he was granted a suspension from prison by the Swedish Prison and Probation Service when he got a job in a construction company.

In early September, SVT Nyheter Blekinge was able to reveal that the man was meanwhile suspected of a new extensive fraud crime, and that the construction company he was employed in was in fact a suspected scam company.

Has been detained

The Swedish Prison and Probation Service has now decided to revoke the suspension, and the 54-year-old has been taken to the prison in Karlskrona pending transport to the prison.

In their decision, they write, among other things:

“[The Blekinge entrepreneur] occurs in no less than three investigations into gross fraud, deception and fraud by using a false document.

The Swedish Prison and Probation Service assesses that the circumstances give reason to assume that [the entrepreneur] will commit new crimes.

The suspension is revoked with immediate effect ”.