Clément Beaune is the Secretary of State for European Affairs.


Jacques Witt / SIPA

France announces that it is making an effort.

After the main refugee camp in Lesbos, Greece, was completely destroyed by fire, the government reaffirmed its intention to accommodate around 100 people staying there.

Clément Beaune, Secretary of State for European Affairs, announced in

Le Parisien

that unaccompanied minors would be privileged.

They were about 400 in this camp.

"There is the emergency and humanitarian response," said the secretary of state.

But the Moria camp, the largest in Lesbos, a Greek island very close to the Turkish coast, had more than 12,000 migrants.

More than double its base capacity.

Greece has also called for European solidarity to welcome at least some of these people, in parts left to itself since the fire, in the middle of the week.

A new camp is to be built within five days, Athens promised.

Asked by

Le Parisien

to know if it was a change in government doctrine on the reception of refugees, Clément Beaune said that France had so far been there when there was a need.

“Now we have to find a lasting solution.

The European Commission will propose by the end of September a permanent framework of rules, with a balance of responsibility and solidarity, ”added Clément Beaune.


400 unaccompanied minors from the burnt Lesvos camp will be spread across ten European countries


Emergency aid is organized after the fires in the Lesbos camp

  • World

  • Refugees camp

  • Refugees

  • Greece

  • Migrants