The cost of the most expensive air ticket this summer is estimated at 227.4 thousand rubles.

The trip was made along the route from Khabarovsk to Moscow and back.

In second place is a ticket from Moscow to Vladivostok and back, which cost 217.3 thousand rubles.

The top three destinations with the most expensive air tickets are closed by the route Moscow - Anadyr and back - 204.5 thousand rubles.

The most expensive train trip was the Moscow - Khabarovsk route; a train ticket in a luxury carriage cost the passenger 44 thousand rubles.

Also, train tickets from Krasnoyarsk to Moscow (37.1 thousand rubles) and from Moscow to St. Petersburg (28.5 thousand rubles) were relatively expensive.

Previously, the most popular travel destinations for this fall among Russians were named.