China News Service, September 11, according to the website of the National Health Commission, in order to implement the requirements of the "Healthy China Action (2019-2030)" mental health promotion action, prevent and slow down the occurrence of dementia, and improve family happiness, Promote social harmony and stability, and encourage social psychological service pilot areas to explore the development of special services for the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's. The General Office of the National Health Commission has issued the "Working Plan for Exploring Special Services for the Prevention and Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease."

  The plan determines the work goals for the pilot area to 2022, including the public’s awareness rate of Alzheimer’s prevention and treatment knowledge to 80%, the establishment of a sound Alzheimer’s prevention and treatment service network, and the establishment and improvement of patient self-management, family management, community management, and hospital management. In the preventive intervention model, the cognitive function screening rate of the elderly in the community (village) reached 80%.

  The plan clarified six key tasks: One is to strengthen popular science and education.

The pilot areas are required to increase the propaganda and education efforts in communities (villages), medical institutions, offices for the elderly, and elderly care institutions, innovate the forms of propaganda and education, and use the Chongyang Festival and other major anniversaries or festivals to promote popular science knowledge.

  The second is to carry out patient assessment and screening.

It is required that basic-level medical and health institutions, elderly care institutions, and medical-care integrated institutions conduct regular cognitive function assessments for the elderly.

  The third is to carry out preventive intervention services.

Relying on the medical consortium, etc., the grassroots dementia prevention and intervention services are carried out, and targeted treatments are carried out for the elderly with different degrees of disease.

  The fourth is to establish a collaborative service team.

Provide professional diagnosis and treatment service resources in general hospitals and psychiatric hospitals at county level and above; establish a multidisciplinary collaborative diagnosis and care service team.

  The fifth is to enhance professional service capabilities.

Carry out skills training for service providers in medical and health institutions at all levels, elderly care institutions, and medical and elderly care institutions to train elderly psychiatrists.

  Sixth, build an information sharing service platform.

All pilot areas are required to explore the establishment of information service platforms to provide services such as science popularization, service resource acquisition, management and treatment.