"Their names and achievements will not be forgotten by the country, the people will not be forgotten, and history will not be forgotten, and will always be engraved on the monument of the Republic!"

Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Shen Hong

  On the 8th, at the National Commendation Conference for Fighting the New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic, the party and the country praised the heroes who made outstanding contributions in the epic anti-epidemic with the highest standards.

General Secretary Xi Jinping’s praise of the people’s heroes expressed the common aspirations of 1.4 billion Chinese.

Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Pang Xinglei

  "The great victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression will forever be engraved in the annals of the Chinese nation! Forever engraved in the annals of the just cause of mankind!"

  On the 3rd, at a symposium to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War, the General Secretary commented on the great achievements of the Chinese people in the War of Resistance against Japan and pointed out the great significance of China's first complete victory against foreign invasions in modern times.

  Recognition is for the sake of choosing the good; commemoration is for the sake of stability and long-term.

  Six days apart, two grand commemorations of extraordinary significance, two long speeches


great weight,

have a common "core"——

The great struggle tempers the great spirit, and the great spirit inspires the great struggle.

  At the commendation meeting, the general secretary condensed the great anti-epidemic spirit of the Chinese people in 20 words: life is supreme, the whole country is of one heart, the life is forgotten, the science is respected, and the destiny is shared.

These five aspects are not the secret of China's "why can" fight the epidemic?

  In the commemoration of the War of Resistance Against Japan, the general secretary explained the spirit of the great war of resistance with "the patriotism of the rise and fall of the world, the responsibility of everyone, the national integrity of seeing death as home, rather than surrender, the heroic spirit of not fearing violence and fighting to the end, and the indomitable and persevering belief in victory." Connotation, is this not the driving force for national rejuvenation?

  Time and space change, and the spirit is eternal.

  ——The great spirit comes from the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China.

Seeking happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation is the original aspiration and mission of the Centennial Party.

The Communist Party of China is the mainstay of the Chinese nation, the backbone of the Chinese people, and it is a great banner that unites the spiritual strength of the Chinese nation.

  ——The great spirit comes from the indomitability and unity of the Chinese people.

History is made by the people.

Regardless of the hardships and hardships, as long as the people of the whole country are connected, and hundreds of millions of hearts resonate at the same frequency, China's strength will be as strong as steel and indestructible.

  ——The great spirit comes from the lofty ideals and beliefs of the Chinese nation.

In the struggle for national rejuvenation, the Chinese people struggled unremittingly, shed blood and sacrifice, relying on a belief and an ideal.

On July 1st, a commemorative ship of the Communist Party of China anchored in the South Lake Scenic Area in Jiaxing.

Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Xu Yu

  Looking back, we have come all the way from suffering and glory: in the war years, we refined the spirit of the Red Boat, the spirit of Jinggangshan, and the spirit of the Long March; in the socialist construction, we forged the spirit of "two bombs and one star", the spirit of Lei Feng, and the iron man. Spirit, Jiao Yulu spirit; in the new era of reform and opening up, the spirit of Xiaogang, the spirit of manned spaceflight, the spirit of fighting floods, the spirit of earthquake relief...The spiritual pedigree of the Chinese is constantly evolving and sublimating.

  "Only by being able to stand and stand firm spiritually, can a nation stand tall and stand upright in the torrent of history."

  In the great struggle of the new era, risks and challenges have become more complicated.

  Depending on the national conditions, economic and social transformation faces many risks, and the three major battles are all "hard bones" that need to be tackled.

Observing the situation of the world, the international situation is changing.

Looking at the party situation, the "four major tests" and "four dangers" are still prominent.

  Standing at the historical intersection of achieving the "two centenary" goals, what do we rely on to overcome risks and challenges and create new miracles?

  The answer is still-the spirit of struggle.

  With the great spirit of struggle, we will win the final victory of 2020 to build a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way and fight against poverty. With the great spirit of struggle, we will advance courageously towards the grand goal of achieving the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

  Planning: Huo Xiaoguang

  Producer: Che Yuming

  Lead writers: Chen Fang, Wang Linlin

  Coordinator: Du Yu

  Visual/Editing: Tang Xing, Zhang Yan