The Swedish Transport Administration's plan to reduce the speed of about 200 km of road to 80 km per hour has been criticized by the Dalarna Region and now also the organization Swedish Motorcyclists (SMC).

The reduction in speed is justified by the fact that a drop of ten km per hour on a 90-lane road without a center barrier would mean that the risk of serious meeting accidents is reduced.

But according to SMC, there is no solution.

SMC instead proposes better road maintenance and center grooves as a safety measure on 90-roads.

- SMC does not share the Swedish Transport Administration's naive belief that no vehicle will run over anything else just because the speed is reduced.

The risk is that even fewer keep the speed limit and it will probably lead to more overtaking in the wrong places, says Maria Nordqvist.

Direct report · Dalarna: The Swedish Transport Administration wants to reduce speed on several roads - do you think that safety is improved?


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12 jun15.51

The Swedish Transport Administration slows down on several roads - what do you think about it?

Is security being improved?

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SVT · Jonna Björnbom

6 tim09.59

I have a hard time seeing the logic in the reasoning.

Reduce the speed of roads with a lot of traffic to 80km?

Wide and straight and nice road newly paved E16 ex.

There you can only drive 80 but on a side road it is narrow where only one car can drive you can drive 70 km / h ???

Do you think you have to take a good look at what you decide.

If you want motorists to take speeds seriously, you have to do the right thing.

As it is now, you can not take this seriously.

Do again do right.


6 tim09.57

Of course!

It's not about believing.

Everyone knows that security is improved.


6 tim09.56

More cameras, lower speeds and worse roads.

TSV does everything we can to stop driving.


7 Sep 07:18

How stupid can you be .... it's clear as hell that reduced speed saves lives AND there will be fewer and fewer injuries.

It is so sad when politicians and officials in the municipalities throw themselves into a debate they do not understand, just to try to make themselves popular.

If you can reduce the number of dead and seriously injured, you should do so, no matter what people think.

Do not think for a second that the municipalities will suffer from people, for example on the way between sthlm and the mountains, arriving an hour later.

Pure waffle and only shows that the wrong people have been chosen for their assignments.

Call E-son

7 Sep 07, 2017


Increase the speed so no one can drive well again !!

Then maybe we avoid all accidents?



7 Sep 07, 2017

What I see is that they slow down to save money.

As a matter of fact, it costs more to build a better road than to put up some new signs.

It's their quick fix on poorly maintained roads.

In addition, the big cities get most of the money for new roads, and much of their money is lost through idiotic ideas.

They look no further than a few years ahead.

Let them know that they built a completely new bus stop.

They are not cheap.

Which was removed after 2 years when they changed route.

I do not trust them when it comes to money.

Erika R

4 Sep19.45

honestly, people shit in the speed limits in the valleys as it looks now, you hold against the right speed so honk, fist with your fist, swear people on gas a little extra in some crazy driving, scolded in the ica parking lot or the like, then have some triangular equipped the roads that reach the playground and think it's fun to stop at a slalom run when you want to pass, they definitely do not keep the speed limits ,, but the most dangerous are probably the sober ones that you encounter at least a couple of times a week, although you call it takes a long time long before blue light comes if someone comes at all, and you should preferably stay behind to steer up to blue light but then you exceed the speed yourself, it is legal then nopp, then doctors should keep track of the elderly with impaired vision and mobility damn some do not come out the car itself even, no whine so that's enough for now


4 Sep19.44

Of course, it is positive to reduce speeds on the roads - it undeniably saves lives.

I drive a lot on different roads, have had a driver's license for 38 years, and what always strikes me is that motorists are becoming more and more careless.

You drive again in the most unsuitable places;

before curves and hilltops, in oncoming traffic, etc. It seems that many motorists reason as if they are going to, cost what it costs.

I also see too many drivers who are busy with their mobile phones even though it is forbidden to drive.

Another thing that motorists in Mora have a very hard time with is how to drive in roundabouts: There you usually drive straight into the roundabout even though you always have a duty to give way - I myself have been hit by such a motorist.

Motorists in Mora also have an awkwardness in penetrating the roundabout between cars that are already in there, when queues have formed for various reasons.

Motorists described here should be deprived of their driving license because they have "forgotten" the basic principles of driving and common sense! who otherwise slows down when they discover a policeman with a speed camera ...

Kristina Persson

4 Sep18.28

Reduced speed leads to more overtaking!

and if now the average speed is reduced, which I doubt and the Police claim that more people drive too fast, the traffic density will increase by the corresponding percentage!

which means that you have more to clash with on your journey!
