
Bulletproof Boy Scouts' new song'Dynamite' topped the Billboard Hot 100 Chart for the second consecutive week.

It is setting a new record after taking the first place in the singles chart for the first time in Korean singers last week.

In New York, correspondent Kim Jong-won reports.


Billboard announced that BTS continued to be #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 Chart for two weeks in a row following last week.

As soon as BTS' new song'Dynamite' was released, it made a so-called'No. 1 Debut', which immediately entered No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, and only 43 songs by Michael Jackson and Mariah Carey have made their No. .

Among them, there are only 20 songs that have maintained the top spot for two consecutive weeks.

[Sugar/BTS member (last week): #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 has always been our goal, and this time our dream has come true.

Thank you, ARMY (BTS fan club).]

[V/BTS member (last week): I can't believe it.

It's really amazing.

Thank you, ARMYs.] The

Billboard Hot 100 chart, in simple terms, is the leaderboard of the most popular songs in the United States right now, and it is said to be the most competitive of the Billboard charts, making it difficult for non-English-speaking singers to take the top spot.

While the American media predicted that BTS was likely to be nominated for a Grammy Award, famous American pop star Justin Bieber sent a congratulatory message to an entertainment media saying that'BTS is people who know how to make history'.

Meanwhile, girl group Black Pink's new song, Ice Cream, debuted at 13th on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, continuing the popularity of K-pop.

Music media in the United States predict that BTS will continue to be #1 on Billboard next week for more than three weeks, unless otherwise noted.