It is well known that leaving clothes in the washing machine is not a good idea, and it is also a good idea to wash your dirty dishes right away.

But even the most experienced housewives make similar mistakes while cleaning their homes and arranging clutter.

They also follow some popular advice that they think is correct, but which is not.

The US site "brightside" reviewed a list of the most important home affairs habits that can undermine your efforts to keep your home clean, and may harm your health and the health of your family.

It is better not to sweep the floor with a manual vacuum and just vacuum it (Getty Images)

1- Sweep the floor

Floor sweeping is the fastest way to clean home floors.

But this type of cleaning doesn't remove even a tenth of the dirt in your home.

Dust particles rise in the air and settle on the furniture as soon as you move the hand vacuum, while other small particles penetrate into the floor covering, making it look dirty.

So it is better not to sweep the floor with a hand vacuum and just vacuum it instead.

2- Use a plastic cutting board

There is a myth that plastic cutting boards are cleaner than wood panels but this is not true.

The fact that wood is porous and absorbs bacteria cannot be denied, but it is also a destructive environment for them.

In contrast, plastic cutting boards are safe to use until they are scratched, and synthetic materials become a breeding ground for bacteria, and sterilizing them completely will not contribute to their complete elimination.

Plastic cutting boards are safe to use until they are scratched and become a breeding ground for bacteria (German)

3- Wash the cutting board with dishwashing liquid

Dishwashing liquid effectively removes food residue from cutting boards, but the scratches on their surface contain microscopic food residues that are invisible to the naked eye.

After the soapy solution is absorbed, the soap residue will then transfer to any other food that is cut on this plate.

Therefore, it is best to sterilize cutting boards with hydrogen peroxide.

4- Pour the leftover coffee, boiled pasta and rice water into the sewer

Often, coffee grounds that spill into the sink clog the drain, due to the density of this residue, which adheres to the greasy deposits in the pipes and causes them to clog.

The same is true for water that has climbed pasta or rice, as the viscous liquid quickly adheres to the inner walls of the tubes and dissolves slowly, increasing the possibility of clogging the drain.

5- Making the bed immediately after waking up

The bedding contains dust mites, which are microscopic organisms that feed on dead skin cells, and breed in a warm, humid environment.

By making the bed right after waking up, we provide the perfect environment for her to breed.

This can cause serious allergic reactions, including bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis, so it is best to leave the bed uncovered for some time to dry.

Making the bed right after waking up provides the ideal environment for dust mites to breed (German)

6- Leave the blinds constantly open

People whose apartments are located on a sunny facade should pay special attention to this point, in case you want to preserve the beauty of your apartment furniture and floors for as long as possible, make sure to close the curtains or windows during periods when the weather is high, because UV rays harm With wooden furniture and floors and discoloration.

7- Leave towels inside the bathroom

If these towels are hanging in the bathroom, they can become a breeding ground for fungi and bacteria.

For this reason, it is essential to change the towels every two days so that they do not damage your skin.

And don't forget to dry them properly.

Returning the toilet brush immediately after use, removes microbes from the toilet to a pregnant woman (Getty Images)

8- Put the toilet brush into its holder immediately after cleaning it

If you return the toilet brush to its holder immediately after using it, microbes will transfer from the toilet to the holder and begin to multiply.

To avoid this, you should hang the toilet brush by placing it between the toilet bowl and seat for some time to get rid of the excess moisture.

9- Pour leftover tea down the toilet

Flushing leftover tea down the toilet is not a good idea.

If you continue to do this periodically the toilet surface will turn dark brown, and it can be very difficult to restore the original whiteness of the toilet afterward.

10- Spray cleaning agents directly on the surfaces

Spraying cleaning materials directly on the surface of furniture and glass will be an invisible thin strip of these cleaners, and it may lead to dust and dirt sticking to these surfaces more.

The appropriate method is to spray the cleaning fluid onto a cloth or sponge first.