The Council of State largely ratified on Sunday prefectural decrees imposing the general wearing of masks in Strasbourg, 12 other towns in the Bas-Rhin and in Lyon and Villeurbanne, according to orders sent to the press.

The Council of State largely ratified on Sunday prefectural decrees imposing the general wearing of masks in Strasbourg, 12 other towns in the Bas-Rhin and in Lyon and Villeurbanne, according to orders sent to the press.

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Coronavirus: follow the evolution of the situation Sunday, September 6

The summary judge, seized by the Minister of Health, thus considers that it is "justified that the wearing of the mask is imposed in perimeters sufficiently large to include in a coherent way the zones at risk", while asking the prefect of the Bas-Rhin to limit this obligation in certain less dense municipalities and to the prefect of the Rhône to exclude from this constraint people practicing physical or sports activities.

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