• School.

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05 September 2020He had to do something immediately, without losing a day.

And so he did.

He called a carpenter and a blacksmith and had the two-seater desks cut to transform them into single-seater ones, guaranteeing the safety distance, at least one meter, in compliance with the anti Covid legislation for his students.

It happens in Giuliano, near Naples, at the "GB Basile" state middle school.

The idea is from the principal Giovanni Rispo.

Not having the benches from the ministry yet, he decided to go it alone and allow his students and families to start the new school year in peace.

The stalls, with all the necessary supports, cost 16.50 euros each, a lower price than the purchase of the new stalls.

Also avoided the disposal of the two-seater ones.

In an interview with a local broadcaster, the principal said: "I followed the 3 R rules: waste, recycle and reuse."

The new "single-seat" desks will be in school before September 14th.