Greece and Turkey agree to talks on sovereignty conflict in the eastern Mediterranean Sea, September 5 at 6:05

NATO and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization agree to begin talks to prevent accidental conflict between Greece and Turkey in the eastern Mediterranean, as both countries are deepening conflict over sovereignty claims. I announced that I did.

However, it is an unusual situation for Greece to deny this.

In the eastern Mediterranean, where Greece and Turkey both claim sovereignty, Turkey is dispatching a warship together with an exploration vessel and is in contact with a Greek warship because of Turkey's exploration of the gas field. ..

NATO's Secretary-General Stoltenberg, to which the two countries are members, announced today that the two countries have agreed to start talks to avoid an accidental conflict between the two troops.

However, Greek Prime Minister Mizotaquis said on Tuesday that "the dialogue would not begin until the provocation was over," stressing that Turkey's vessels would not respond to talks while in the eastern Mediterranean waters.

A Greek government spokesman also appeared on local television, stating that "there is no fact that they agreed to start talks with Turkey," and the Greek side denies the NATO Secretary-General's announcement, which was in the mediation of the conflict. Has become.