The American director Christopher Nolan movie has been shown in 70 countries around the world since August 26, 2020, so that all of the director's fans and thirsty movie fans race to see the film, so that some in the United States have traveled from states that did not open theaters to other states to watch The movie, but could the film satisfy the expectations of those waiting?

This is what we will learn here.

Searching for Nolan's time only!

"Tenet" is the eleventh film in Nolan's cinematic career that began in 1998 with his first feature film "Following". During these films, Nolan developed a special cinematic style for himself, through which he was able to attract critics as well as ordinary viewers, so he made films She combines his own ideas about cinema while at the same time very exciting and entertaining.

His films dealt with many cinematic genres such as science fiction, war movies, superheroes, thrills and suspense, but despite the rise of the curve of his films to the top in terms of revenues, there are other factors in his cinema that are sliding downward, and his latest film, "Creed", is a new evidence of this decline.

Christopher Nolan is obsessed with certain things that recur in his films, such as time and manipulation, memory, personal identity, and guilt, and perhaps the best aspects of his films are the finely drawn characters that resemble the characters of old Noir films (Film Noir is a cinematic term used to express crime films and Hollywood dramas ) With a few fundamental changes.

But in recent films, and after his film "Inception" - which reached its height in terms of image and character construction - his interest in the side of the characters began to decline steadily, to find that his 2017 film "Dunkirk" does not contain only marginal characters. Removing a character and putting another in its place or permanently deleting it will not disturb the rhythm of the film, and even some of these characters did not have a name, and this was justified in the context that the film deals with the idea of ​​a good human nature that joins together to save each other, and here the names are not of use.

But in the movie "Belief", it is assumed that the matter is different, the type of film is espionage, thriller and suspense mixed with science fiction, and its narration is based on two main characters, presented by John David Washington and Robert Pattinson, both characters have not been presented at all, the first we got to know in the middle of A mission, and there was no indication of any personal advantage she had that benefits the mission except for her strong loyalty, and the second we know literally only her name, and she is surrounded by mystery all the time.

A mystery that no one cares to solve

The events of the movie revolve around a third world war taking place in the future, and because of my physicist, we receive signs of this war through things sent to the past, such as bullets and war remnants, and some fighters from the past must search for the beginnings of this war to kill it.

What I said seemed like a great start to a special movie, but Christopher Nolan, screenwriter and director, told us that in about one minute in a very contrived scene, then took viewers in a large maze between the future and the past, with a lot of incomprehensible and quick explanations of the rules of time and physics, to lose a lot of Viewers are interested in the second half of the film to follow these time journeys and their unnecessary complex details, and they just await the end.

The film has lacked motives from the beginning, so the main character does not have a motive to do all this impossible task, and there are no real motives for the sequences of events themselves, so we find that major turns in events occur for reasons that are not important or logical, such as a personal wound that the hero did not know until days ago, so he decides Go back in time and disrupt the entire mission to save it, while the fate of Planet Earth itself is at stake.

In his latest movie "Belief", Nolan sacrificed drama, plot and characters on the altar of manipulating time and image, as he paid more attention to the way events unfold, and how they will look impressive on the screen, but he did not give us the "reason" behind these events happening, or push us to pay attention to them, so the movie came Distinctive from a visual standpoint, especially with the exploitation of the idea of ​​reversing back in time, and the scenes of fighting and chasing cars and filming them in a very real and impressive way.

But all of these scenes did not come to push the film forward as much as they are a show of the muscles of Christopher Nolan, who each film indulges more in itself than the previous one, and has become as if it presents films only for him and some of his fans who love the idea of ​​manipulating time and not easily understanding the films.