
Araignee Tegenaire, living in houses, completely harmless, September 5, 2019, Gace, France -


Small spider, big consequences.

A 60-year-old man was stung in his home one night in June by a recluse spider, reports

L'Est Républicain


A small spider that can be dangerous.

The victim almost had his arm amputated because the bite became infected.

After a month of hospitalization, four operations and a transplant, the worst was avoided.

“When he woke up,” testifies the victim to our colleagues, the pain was difficult to bear.

As if they were burning my flesh.

It was unbearable.

The sixty-year-old went on to medical appointments in the morning, ending up in the emergency room.

Her arm was swelling and showing signs of necrosis and the antibiotics were not working enough.

After a transplant, the sexagenarian finally regained the motor skills of his hand.



Unknown spider with horn discovered in Angola


Spiders: The bite of the dreaded brown recluse would have caused several cases of necrosis

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