Are you one of those preparing a shopping list?

Do you take the first thing you find in the supermarket, or is your refrigerator a surprise box?

And do you know what a good piece of meat should look like?

In a report published by the Spanish magazine "Mejor con Salud", the writer Anna Villarasa said that meat is a good source of protein and vitamins, and it is also a suitable food for many people and is compatible with many types of diets.

However, it is not known that meat and eggs are among the foods that cause most food-related illnesses and infections.

To reduce the risks, it is important to keep some tips in mind when purchasing and storing chicken meat:

Leave the meat until the last stage of shopping

Before going shopping, I recommend planning first, as it is preferable to buy all fresh products such as meat and others upon completion of the acquisition of the rest of the items, that is, immediately before the payment process, and the meat should be placed in the refrigerator immediately upon returning home.

Chicken case

To choose a piece of chicken in good condition, it is necessary to be cohesive and flexible, and in this context, experts point out that the color of raw poultry ranges from white to pale yellow, and all the colors of the chicken are considered natural and differ according to the diet, mobility, breed and age of the animal.

But the skin of the chicken should be soft, elastic and moist, and it should not contain traces of feathers, knowing that the color of the chicken is related to the way it is fed in the first place.

Color is not in any way an indication of quality, nor does it play any role in assessing its nutritional value or the amount of fat that the meat may contain.

The ideal temperature

If you bought chicken from a supermarket or self-service store, make sure that the product looks cool to the touch, otherwise it is best to leave it and notify the store manager.

Keeping chickens cool

It is recommended to use special bags to maintain the temperature of the chickens or in a box containing ice pieces, on the way home, not to expose them to direct heat, and to return home as soon as possible.

Cold storage

Experts point out that cold storage of meat and poultry is the best way to protect fresh produce, and although cold does not kill potential pathogens, it helps stop their spread.

It is necessary to keep the chicken in the refrigerator at a temperature less than 4 ° C because it represents the ideal preservation temperature, and therefore freezing in this way can last from one to two days if the meat is raw, and between 3 and 5 days if it is cooked once, and it should not Never wash meat before storing or cooking it, as this threatens to spread bacteria.

Put the chickens in the appropriate utensils

It is known that the optimum temperature for keeping chicken is guaranteed on the entire inner surface of the refrigerator, so it can be placed on any shelf or drawer without concern, and in the event that the refrigerator device contains a place designated for placing meat and fish, it is recommended to use it, because it ensures a stable and sufficient cooling to prevent the product from freezing .

Hygiene and good organization in the refrigerator

The refrigerator should be kept clean and in good condition, in order to prevent the chicken meat from losing quality and maintain its aroma and flavor.

In addition, the stored products should be monitored, especially the more perishable products such as meat, and if they are not consumed for any reason they can be placed in the freezer.

The USDA also stated that discoloration of chicken meat is normal in fresh produce, and does not indicate any spoilage.

On the other hand, it is best not to eat this meat if it has a bad smell and sticky texture.

It is advised not to eat meat if it has a bad smell and sticky texture (pixels)

Temperature control

Before storage or cooking, it is necessary not to leave the chicken out of the refrigerator for a long time, and it is advised to prepare the ingredients immediately and cook the dishes as soon as possible, and if you do not have enough time, it is better to return the cooked chicken to the refrigerator and reheat it before serving.

Freezer storage

Meat can be stored in the freezer when it cannot be consumed in a short period of time, and this option is also valid if you cannot buy regularly and you want to buy more products for long periods of time, and the ideal temperature for keeping in the freezer is -18 ° C.

To keep poultry in the freezer, use airtight containers to avoid possible burns due to prolonged exposure to the device's air. If you do this correctly, the chicken will maintain its quality for 9 months.