Why should you eat apples with their peel, what are the most important health benefits of them, how do they help reduce weight, and what are the most important nutrients they contain?

Apples are the second most consumed fruit in the world after bananas, according to a letter from researchers to the editor of the Experimental and Clinical Sciences Journal (EXCLI J.

Apples contain many elements such as dietary fibers, minerals and vitamins, and they also contain polyphenols, which are divided into several groups, including hydroxybenzoic acids and hydroxycinnamic acids. And their derivatives, flavonols, dihydrochalcones, and anthocyanids.

Studies have shown that apples have beneficial effects on health against cancer, asthma, lung problems, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's disease, weight management and diabetes.


According to a research review in Advances in Nutrition, there is research data indicating that apples may be linked to reduced risks of several forms of cancer, cardiovascular disease and asthma.

The review adds that preliminary observations show a possible link between eating apples and reducing the risk of osteoporosis and diabetes.

One medium-sized apple "weighing 150 grams" contains 78 calories.

Huge benefits

For its part, the German Association of Vegetable and Fruit Producers said that apples have tremendous health benefits, as they are rich in vitamins A, B, C, and E, as well as rich in dietary fibers that help you feel full on the one hand and stimulate the process Digestion on the other hand.

The association stresses that the apple peel should be eaten, given that these important nutrients are found directly under the peel.

What about rumen and weight?

According to a research review in the Journal of Advances in Nutrition, healthy guidelines recommend daily consumption of foods that are a good source of dietary fiber and are low in energy density to promote healthy weight maintenance or weight loss.

Based on this hypothesis, a study was conducted in Brazil on 49 obese women who also had high cholesterol levels to determine the effect of fruit consumption on blood lipids and body weight.

The participants were divided into three diet groups who underwent a diet for 10 weeks, a group ate 300 grams of apples per day (about two medium apples), a group ate the same amount of pears, and the third group ate 60 grams of oatmeal cookies.

Each group was provided with guidelines for a moderate diet designed to reduce body weight.

The researchers found that adding apples as part of your daily caloric intake would result in a weight loss of 1.32 kg after 10 weeks.

Although it would be imprecise to say definitively that apples alone lead to weight loss on the basis of this study.

However, it is plausible that apples' low energy density and fiber content make them effective in weight loss regimens, and so apples may be important in dealing with weight-related problems.


Fresh apples can be found in the hard and shiny skin, while they should be stored in a cool, dark place.

It is recommended to store apples separately, due to the emission of ethylene gas, which speeds up the ripening of other vegetables and fruits.