In an interview with the JDD, two days before the start of the school year, the Minister of National Education Jean-Michel Blanquer announced on Sunday the launch of a "Grenelle des teachers". A measure that leaves the general secretary of the majority union among teachers, Frédérique Rolet, doubtful.


Two days before the start of the school year, the Minister of National Education Jean-Michel Blanquer announced Sunday in the JDD a large "Grenelle of teachers" scheduled for the month of October, in order, he said, to "revalue" salaries and launch a major reflection on the teaching profession. Frédérique Rolet, general secretary of SNES-FSU (majority union among teachers), expressed her skepticism in reaction to this announcement on Europe 1.

"It's not revaluation"

"Jean-Michel Blanquer announces that this upgrading is only one aspect, that it is linked to measures which, in fact, would lead to an increase in working time: training during the holidays, increase in short-term replacement … All this is not upgrading: it is paying people more because they work more, ”responded the Secretary General.

Jean-Michel Blanquer said in particular that "by October" would be discussed "the increase in remuneration for 2021".

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"Trust" the teachers

"As for the minister's speech on the fact that happy teachers are happy students, we can only share it!", She added. But according to her, the first thing to do "would be to trust them, and to stop with a very authoritarian management that he has so far practiced, with a lot of orders and injunctions".

The only solution, in the eyes of Frédérique Rolet: "show teachers that we have confidence in them. I believe that this is how we will succeed in bringing the educational community together."