As the mask becomes mandatory in more and more large cities, restaurant owners want customers to leave their contact details when they go to restaurants. They also offer a temperature measurement at the entrance. Requests that divide customers and professionals in Paris on Friday.


Are you going to have to leave your contact details when you go to a restaurant? Restaurant owners are calling for the implementation of this tracking measure to be able to contact customers in the event of coronavirus contamination. A measure practiced by several neighboring countries such as Germany and Belgium. They also offer to take the temperature of customers at the entrance. But not all customers are ready for it, as Europe 1 saw in Paris on Friday.

>> LIVE -  Coronavirus: follow the evolution of the situation Friday, August 28

Divided customers

The customers are quite divided. First, there are those for whom these measures are far too intrusive. Dimitri, for example, will categorically refuse to submit to it. "It's the obstacle course. It's too much for a simple meal or a simple coffee!", He protests. "If you can no longer go to a quiet restaurant without having to leave your identity everywhere, it becomes rubbish!", Estimates Dimitri.


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Leave his contact details so that we can recontact the customer in the event of contamination in the establishment, have the temperature taken at the entrance, Joy considers, on the contrary, that this measure is very useful. "If a little bit of restraint can protect the fragile, I think it's worth doing," she says. "We already have the right to go, we are not confined! It is as if we had forgotten that a few months ago, we were locked at home and that we only had the right to output per day! "

"You have to trust people, it's not up to us to be the police"

The objective of the National Group of Independent Hotels, Restaurants and Caterers, which advocates for these measures, is to reassure customers and prevent establishments from closing. But in fact, restaurateurs like Sébastien see themselves poorly applying this device. "It is already difficult to enforce the mask, nothing for the customers who enter the establishment, if in addition, we have to take their temperature and take their contact details, that will do a lot", he believes.

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According to Sébastien, it is not for catering professionals to control this. "We must also trust people. It is up to them to do what is necessary. And not up to us to police," he said. Sébastien is even categorical. "I will lose less money by closing my restaurant rather than applying all these constraints which will certainly make me lose new customers", says the restaurant owner.