Brush your teeth carefully to prevent cancer

  Recently, a study conducted by scholars at Harvard University showed that gum disease can increase the risk of esophageal cancer and gastric cancer by 50%. This study analyzed nearly 150,000 people over the past 20 years. In the 22-28 year survey, 199 people suffered from esophageal cancer and 238 people suffered from gastric cancer.

  Studies have shown that people with a history of gum disease have an increased risk of esophageal cancer or gastric cancer by 43% and 52%; people who have lost two or more teeth have an increased risk of esophageal cancer and gastric cancer by 42% and 33%. If you also have a history of gum disease and lost teeth, the risk of stomach cancer increases by 68%.

  Further analysis found that common bacteria in the oral cavity such as Forsysteiner and Porphyromonas gingivalis are related to the onset of esophageal cancer. Failure to pay attention to oral hygiene and gum disease increases the growth of bacteria that increase the risk of gastric cancer.

  In fact, in addition to increasing the risk of cancer, unclean oral cavity also increases the risk of cerebral hemorrhage, asthma, heart disease and kidney disease.

  The milder gum disease can usually be treated by maintaining good oral hygiene, such as brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing your teeth. Relevant data shows that in 2016, only 36.1% of adults in my country brushed their teeth twice a day; the number of remaining teeth in the elderly between 65 and 74 years old in my country was 22.5. In addition, sugar, tobacco, and alcohol, the traditional Chinese gift-giving products, are the chief culprits of oral diseases.

  To maintain oral health, please refer to the "Guide to Oral Health of Chinese Residents" for details. Key points:

  1. Brush your teeth at least twice a day. Brushing your teeth before going to bed at night is more important. Remember to rinse your mouth after meals.

  2. Do not mix toothbrush cups for each person; individuals can choose toothpaste and toothbrushes according to their needs, and advocate the use of fluoride toothpaste to prevent caries.

  3. Advocate brushing with horizontal vibrating brush; toothbrushes are generally replaced every 3 months. If the bristles bend or fall down, replace them immediately.

  4. It is recommended to choose dental floss or interdental brush to assist in cleaning the interdental space. Mouthwash and chewing gum can be used appropriately.

  5. Try to reduce the frequency of sugar consumption and drink less carbonated drinks; you can't eat anything after brushing your teeth before going to bed at night.

  6. Smoking can increase the risk of periodontal disease by 5 times; pregnant women smoking or passive smoking can also cause fetal oral and maxillofacial deformities.

  7. It is recommended to wash your teeth once a year. The washing process may cause slight bleeding or temporary tooth sensitivity, but generally it will not damage the gums and teeth, let alone cause sparse interdental and loose teeth.

  8. Conduct an oral health check at least once a year. If you have symptoms such as mouth discomfort, pain, bleeding gums, or peculiar smell, you should consult a doctor promptly.

  9. Repair missing teeth in time.

  10. Choose regular medical institutions for oral care and treatment to prevent cross-infection.

  By Yang Jingang (Fuwai Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences)