- It would have been much worse if it had been the other way around, ie that a number of people had had the disease, although the tests showed that it was not so, says infection control doctor Jan Smedjegård.

Of the approximately 3,700 Swedes who received incorrect test results on their coronation test, 44 are in Västmanland. The people, who used a self-test from China which was then analyzed in a laboratory, were told that they had an ongoing covid infection despite being healthy.

These are test results from mid-March to mid-August, the Public Health Agency announced on Wednesday.

In Västmanland, in relation to other, larger regions, the low number of incorrect test results means that the infection control has been able to quickly identify which people it is about. They are now offered free antibody tests instead.

Can you trust the tests in the future?

- You can. Within a few more weeks, an even more advanced, better and safer methodology will be used, says Jan Smedjegård.