- There are housing units, but there are almost no year-round housing units, says Anton Berglund, chairman of Gotland's student union, Rindi.

In the survey, 33 student cities are ranked based on how easy it is to get a student housing. A city is red if students can not be offered accommodation during the fall semester. A yellow place means that students can get a first-hand contract for accommodation at some point during the autumn term. A city is green if students can be offered safe housing within a month.

Many rent privately

Visby, Gothenburg, Halmstad, Lund, Skövde, Stockholm and Uppsala are among the red cities. In Norrköping and Linköping, however, it is easier according to the report.

GotlandsHem currently has 202 student apartments and is the largest player. Most student apartments currently have a queue period of two to three years. At the end of July, seven apartments became available for application with access on 24 August. The search pressure on those apartments was about 100 applicants per apartment.

Many students also rent from private landlords. However, these are often interim contracts because the homes are rented out to tourists during the summer.

See Gotland's student union chairman give his view on the matter in the video above.